I almost can't believe another week has gone by. Another week of lovely summer weather. It was a scorching day today which had me snoozing instead of reading in the sun. I did manage to get a few things read this week though.
I finished Three by Jay Posey but will be reviewing it so don't want to give too much away. I started The Havoc Machine started by Steve Harper. It had one of the funniest author's 'forwards' I have ever read. I wish the book was as amusing. I will be reviewing this one as well and haven't finished it so I don't want to speak too soon. Don't be fooled by the cover. Its not one of my favourite covers and doesn't really give you an impression of how gritty the book really is.
I also found 2 new books by Michael J. Sullivan on NetGalley: The Crown and The Rose and The Thorn. Both novels are part of the Riyria Revelations series. I can hardly wait to read them. I love this series. That is all from me. I have quite a few books to read so better get to them. Until next week Happy Reading!
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