Saturday, July 30, 2011

Winners! - July 30, 2011

Here are the winners of some recent giveaways.

Dead Iron: The Age of Steam by Devon Monk and 17 Jewels from Cemetery Cat Jewelry

pattepoilue who said

My favorite genre is Historical romance! I love UF and Steampunk too but I tend to read more historicals ;)


Hunted by Others, Taken by Others, or Deceived by Others - winner's choice or 1 of these books

marybelle who said

What does it say about me that my favorite video game right now is LEGO Harry Potter?


A Shot in the Dark (Jesse James Dawson 2)

Theresa @ Fade Into Fantasy who said

Oh my goodness, yes! I get sidetracked wayyyy too easily when searching the internet. LOL Thanks for the giveaway!


A Taste of the Nightlife (Vampire Chef Mystery 1) by Sarah Zettel

cyn209 who said...

my favorite snack or meal??? too many choices, by i would have to say favorite snack is CHIPS!! favorite meals???? spaghetti or pizza!!!!


Vampire Babylon series by Chris Marie Green

Gail who said

I love all westerns! Rio Bravo is one of my favs. John Wayne, Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson, it had it all :-) My current favorite postapocalytic book(s) are Faith Hunter's Rogue Mage series. I'm looking forward to reading Bloodlands!

The winners have been notified and have until Saturday, August 6, 2011 at 11:59PM US Eastern Time to claim their goodies or The Qwillery will very randomly choose a new winner or winners.

As usual... thank you to everyone who participated!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Interview with Justin Gustainis and Giveaway - July 29, 2011

Please welcome Justin Gustainis to The Qwillery.

TQ: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Justin:  I have a hard time getting started on a project. I put it off, agonizing the whole time, for weeks, even months. When my central nervous system finally accepts the fact that “Hey – I’ve got a book due soon!” I can go like hell. During the writing of my last book, one day I cranked out 36 fresh pages, a personal best. Mind you, I don’t say they were 36 *good* pages….

TQ: Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Justin:  Oddly enough, most of my favorite authors are mystery/suspense/crime writers. Maybe it’s because I read a lot of that stuff before I ever read much horror or dark fantasy. That might explain why my books are considered “paranormal mysteries.” On the mystery/crime/suspense side, some of my favorites among living writers are Thomas Perry, Robert Crais, Thomas Harris, and Stephen Hunter. Some others I like, who have passed on to that Great Writers Conference in the Sky, include Robert B. Parker, John D. MacDonald, Ross Thomas, and Raymond Chandler. Among paranormal writers, I admire Stephen King (especially his money), Kim Newman, Jim Butcher, Lili Saintcrow, and Rachel Caine, among others.

TQ: Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Justin:  I try to get the broad outlines of a plot together, then work out the details and subplots as I go along. Plotting is one of the things I find hardest to do.

TQ: What inspired you to write Hard Spell?

Justin:  The novel grew out of a short story I wrote at the Odyssey Writing Workshop called “Demons Don’t Die.” I thought it would be fun to write a paranormal police procedural, and I set it in Scranton because I grew up nearby and went to college there and, for gosh sake, the only thing the town is known for nationally was “The Office.”

TQ: What sort of research did you do for Hard Spell?

Justin:  Not a great deal. That’s the wonderful thing about writing paranormal fiction: you can make up anything you want, as long as you’re consistent. Although I did a little Internet work to reacquaint myself with the Scranton area (I haven’t been back in several years), if challenged I can always say, “Yeah, well , *my* Scranton is set in an alternate universe, and in that one City Hall *is* twelve stories tall and built like a medieval fortress. Or whatever.

TQ: Who was the easiest character to write and why? Hardest and why?

Justin:  I suppose the easiest one was Detective Sergeant Stan Markowski, the protagonist. The narration is in the first person, so I suppose Stan speaks with my voice, sort of. But since Stan is supposed to be a blue collar guy, whenever he started talking like a college professor I had to go back and change things.

Hardest? Probably Stan’s daughter, Christine – given the differences between us in age, gender, and, um, status. People will know what that last part means when they read the book – as well they should.

TQ: Without giving anything away, what is/are your favorite scene(s) in the book?

Justin:  Favorites would include Markowski’s first scene with his daughter, the scene set in Renfield’s, Scranton’s most popular “supe” (as in “supernatural) bar, the scene set in an adult bookstore that caters to “supe” customers, and, of course, the climactic scene, wherein the Fate of Humanity Hangs in the Balance (doesn’t it always?).

TQ: How many books are planned for the series?

Justin:  I have contracts for two more. EVIL DARK will be out in January, if I ever get it written (see earlier comment about procrastination). After that, it depends on whether the publisher wants more, and whether I still have ideas.

TQ: What's next?

Justin:  The interesting thing isn’t so much what’s next, as what’s going on simultaneously. I find myself in the odd position of having two urban fantasy novels being released on the same date (in the US, anyway): July 26th. SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL is the third book in the “Morris/Chastain Investigations” series. In this one, occult investigator Quincey Morris (descended from the character in DRACULA) and his partner, “white” witch Libby Chastain, learn that Senator Howard Stark, candidate for President, has been secretly possessed by a demon. Hell wants to put Stark in the White House, so that he can use the President’s powers to destroy the world. They don’t like us much, those folks in Hell.

TQ: Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery.

About Justin's Books

Hard Spell
An Occult Crimes Unit Investigation 1
(Angry Robot Books, July 26, 2011)
Meet Stan Markowski of the Scranton PD’s Occult Crimes Unit
“Like the rest of America, Scranton’s got an uneasy ‘live and let unlive’ relationship with the supernatural. But when a vamp puts the bite on an unwilling victim, or some witch casts the wrong kind of spell, that’s when they call me.

“My name’s Markowski. I carry a badge.

“Also, a crucifix, some wooden stakes, a big vial of holy water, and a 9mm Beretta loaded with silver bullets.”

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million

See The Qwillery's 4 Qwill review here.

Black Magic Woman
A Morris and Chastain Investigation 1
(Solaris Books, November 25, 2008)
Occult investigator Quincey Morris and his "consultant", white witch Libby Chastain, are hired to free a family from a deadly curse that appears to date back to the Salem witch trials.

Fraught with danger, the trail finds them stalking the mysterious occult underworlds of Boston, San Francisco, New Orleans and New York, searching out the root of the curse. After surviving a series of terrifying attempts on their lives, the two find themselves drawn inexorably towards Salem itself - and the very heart of darkness.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million

Evil Ways
A Morris and Chastain Investigation 2
(Solaris Books, December 29, 2009)
In a story that ranges from Baghdad to Los Angeles, EVIL WAYS sees eccentric billionaire Walter Grobius attempt to unleash a devastating magical apocalypse. Quincey Morris and his partner, white witch Libby Chastain, are drawn into their deadliest case yet, but from different directions. In Los Angeles, Quincey is blackmailed by the FBI into investigating a series of ritualistic child murders. In New York, Libby barely escapes an attempt on her life by assassins armed with magical weapons. Both of these threads eventually intertwine, leading the investigators to a conspiracy so vast and diabolical as to defy belief.

The final, bloody confrontation takes place at Grobius’s isolated Idaho estate, on Walpurgis Night -- the night of the Witches’ Sabbath. Quincey and Libby, and their allies, must fight a desperate battle against immensely powerful dark forces that threaten the future of all mankind.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million

Sympathy for the Devil
A Morris and Chastain Investigation 3
(Solaris Books, July 26, 2011)
Senator Howard Stark wants to be President of the United States. So does the demon inside him. With the competing candidates dropping out due to scandal, blackmail, and ‘accidental’ death, Stark looks like a good bet to go all the way to the White House. And if he gets there, Hell on Earth will follow.

Occult investigator Quincey Morris and white witch Libby Chastain are determined to stop this evil conspiracy. But between them and Stark stand the dedicated agents of the US Secret Service – and the very forces of Hell itself. Quincey and Libby will risk everything to exorcise the demon possessing Stark. If they fail, ‘Hail to the Chief’ will become a funeral march – for all of us.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million

About Justin

Justin Gustainis was born in Northeast Pennsylvania in 1951. He attended college at the University of Scranton, a Jesuit university that figures prominently in several of his writings.

After earning both Bachelor's and Master's degrees, he was commissioned a Lieutenant in the U. S. Army.

Following military service, he held a variety of jobs, including speechwriter and professional bodyguard, before earning a Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

He was married to Patricia A. Grogan of Toledo, Ohio, from 1977 until her death in 2007. He misses her a lot.

Mr. Gustainis currently lives in Plattsburgh, New York. He is a Professor of Communication at Plattsburgh State University, where he earned the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2002.

His academic publications include the book American Rhetoric and the Vietnam War, published in 1993, and a number of scholarly articles that hardly anybody has ever read.  In the Summer of 2008, he attended the Odyssey Writing Workshop.

Justin's Website:

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win a signed copy of Hard Spell (An Occult Crimes Unit Investigation 1) from Justin.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

What is your favorite city or town used as a setting for an Urban Fantasy?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When:  The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Friday, August 5, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*

Thursday, July 28, 2011

2011 Debut Author Challenge Update - July 28, 2011

The Qwillery is pleased to announce that Paul Lewis has joined the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. Paul's debut, The Savage Knight, will be published in September by Abaddon Books.

Sir Dodinal the Savage is more at home in the wild forest than in the tilting yard or the banquet hall. Keenly attuned to the natural world, but burdened with a terrible rage, he turns his back on Camelot to find peace, or a just death.

In a quiet village on the Welsh border, Dodinal believes he may have finally found a home, but the village is struck by child-stealing raiders from the hills, and he must take up arms once again in his new friends' aid. His quest will take him into the belly of darkness, as the terrible secret hidden in the hills comes to light...

Look for an interview with Paul in September 2011. You can keep up to date on 2011 Debut Author Challenge happenings on the 2011 DAC page.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Interview with Seressia Glass and Giveaway - July 27, 2011

Please welcome Seressia Glass to The Qwillery.

TQ:  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Seressia:  The biggest one that I’m working on now is that it is easier for me to write at my desk at work during lunch and after hours than it is to come home and get stuff done. I definitely need to get a handle on that!

TQ:  Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Seressia:  Hhm, I read so many different genres and subgenres that it’s hard to name a favorites. Looking at one of my bookshelves, I have Butler, Eddings, McCaffrey, Asimov, Lackey, LeGuin, Rowling, Zelazny, Stephen King, Jayne Ann Krentz, Ilona Andrews. As far as influences, I’ve never really thought about it. I can’t say that I have someone that I look to as a standard I want to achieve because my tastes and the state of writing are too diverse.

TQ:  Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Seressia:  I’m a pantser with delusions of plotting. Actually I plot to become a plotter, but it’s all in my head.

TQ:  Describe Shadow Fall in 140 characters or less.

Seressia:  SHADOW FALL: Kira has to stop Set, Ammit and the Book of the Dead from stealing people's souls. People fight, die and leave. Chaos ensues.

TQ:  Without giving anything away, what is/are your favorite scene(s) in Shadow Fall?

Seressia:  My favorite scene is definitely when the crew goes into the Georgia World Congress Center to battle manifestations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

TQ:  In Shadow Fall, who was the most difficult character to write and why? The easiest and why?

Seressia:  Balm (Kira’s foster mother and head of the Gilead Commissions) was difficult to write because I go into her back story a bit and you see more of who and what she is and why. I could have gone deeper but then it wouldn’t be Kira’s story.

The easiest was Myshael, the Lady of Shadows. I envisioned her as a psychotic mischievous woman-child, very frenetic and having fun in her badness. Again, could have gone more into her story but it bent my brain a bit.

TQ:  Who should play Kira Solomon if the Shadowchasers series was made into movies?

Seressia:  Kira is loosely based on Jada Pinkett-Smith’s character from Set It Off. But I think Zoe Saldana would also bring fierce intensity to the role.

TQ:  What inspired you to write the Shadowchasers series?

Seressia:  I’ve long been a fan of ancient Egypt, and I’ve enjoyed the African folktales that I've heard and read through the years. I’ve always wanted an opportunity to indulge my interest in African mythology, and this series allowed me to do that.

TQ:  Why did you set the series in Atlanta, Georgia?

Seressia:  Atlanta is my hometown and I just enjoy setting stories here. Plus Oakland Cemetery (on the National Register of Historic Places) and Little Five Points are just wonderfully rich places to experience. There’s a lot of history, diversity, and quirky people and places in Atlanta that I think makes the city perfect for paranormal series.

TQ:  What sort of research did you do to create the world of the Shadowchasers series?

Seressia:  I have quite a few books on Egyptian and African mythology and history, several visits to the Carlos Museum at Emory University to visit their Egyptian and Nubian collection, and online visits to the British Museum,, and the America Research Center in Egypt.

TQ:  How many books are planned for the Shadowchasers series?

Seressia:  At the moment, the third book will be the last. I hope to continue it in the future.

TQ:  What's next?

Seressia:  I’m continuing to develop some paranormal and contemporary romance projects and another urban fantasy project. There’s nothing slated for 2012 yet but readers can keep up with me on Facebook and Twitter or at my website.

TQ:  Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery.

Seressia:  Thank you for having me. It was a joy to be here.

About Shadowchasers

Shadow Blade
Shadowchasers 1
(Pocket, January 26, 2010)
For Kira Solomon, normal was never an option.

Kira's day job is as an antiquities expert, but her true calling is as a Shadowchaser. Trained from youth to be one of the most lethal Chasers in existence, Kira serves the Gilead Commission, dispatching the Fallen who sow discord and chaos. Of course, sometimes Gilead bureaucracy is as much a thorn in her side as anything the Fallen can muster against her. Right now, though, she's got a bigger problem. Someone is turning the city of Atlanta upside down in search of a millennia-old Egyptian dagger that just happens to have fallen into Kira's hands.

Then there's Khefar, the dagger's true owner -- a near-immortal 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior who, Kira has to admit, looks pretty fine for his age. Joining forces is the only way to keep the weapon safe from the sinister Shadow forces, but now Kira is in deep with someone who holds more secrets than she does, the one person who knows just how treacherous this fight is. Because every step closer to destroying the enemy is a step closer to losing herself to Shadow forever....

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million

Shadow Chase
Shadow Chasers 2
(Pocket, July 27, 2010)
In a job like this, one mistake can cost you everything.

As a Shadowchaser, Kira Solomon has been trained to serve the Light, dispatch the Fallen, and prevent the spread of chaos. It's a deadly job, and Kira knows the horror of spilling innocent blood. But now she has a new role, as the Hand of Ma'at, the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Order, and an assignment that might just redeem her.

A fellow Shadowchaser has gone missing, and so has a unique artifact imbued with astonishing magic. Unless the Vessel of Nun is returned, it will cause destruction beyond anything the modern world has seen. Kira's got a team at her back, including Khefar, a near-immortal Nubian warrior who's already died for her once. But as complicated as her feelings for him are, they're nothing compared to the difficulties of the task she faces.And the only way to defeat the enemy is to trust in a powershe can barely control, and put her life—and her soul—on the line.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million 

Shadow Fall

Shadowchasers 3
(Pocket, July 26, 2011)
Truth is the most dangerous weapon of all . . .

Kira Solomon's life has never been simple. Battling against the Fallen, serving the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, becoming romantically involved with a 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior—these are now everyday realities. But something is changing. Kira's magic is becoming dangerously unpredictable, tainted by the Shadow she has been trained to destroy.

Matters grow worse when an Atlanta museum exhibit based on the Egyptian Book of the Dead turns out to have truly sinister properties. As the body count rises, even long-trusted allies start to turn against Kira. She can hardly blame them—not when the God of Chaos is stalking her dreams and the shocking truth about her origins is finally coming to light. As one of the good guys, Kira was a force to be reckoned with. But if the only way to stop a terrifying adversary is to fight Shadow with Shadow, then she's ready to find out just how very bad she can be. . . .

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository : Books-A-Million 

About Seressia

Seressia has always been a voracious reader, cutting her teeth on comics, cereal boxes–anything at hand. So it came as no surprise to family and teachers when she began creating stories featuring some of her favorite characters. One of her earlier works included the autobiography of a piece of bubble gum, and a short Halloween story was turned into a PTA play in elementary school.

Her proudest writing moment remains winning the first Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday “Living the Dream” essay contest as a high school senior and getting to meet Coretta Scott King. Since then, she’s channeled her belief in the power of the written word by creating rich, emotional stories of diverse people coming together to achieve the universal goals of love and acceptance.

When not working on her next story, Seressia is an instructional designer for an international home improvement company. She spends her free time people-watching, belly dancing, and watching way too much anime.

Seressia's Links:


The Giveaway


What:  Two commenters will each win a signed copy of Shadow Fall from Seressia. USA Mailing Addresses only.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

What is your favorite mythology? African? Egyption? Greek? Indian? Something else?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a USA mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Wednesday, August 3, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*

2011 Debut Author Challenge Update - July 27, 2011

The Qwillery is pleased to announce that Patricia Eimer has joined the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. Patricia's debut, Luck of the Devil (Speak of the Devil 1), will be published by Entangled Publishing in August.

Being the youngest daughter of the Devil isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The days of teenage rebellion and vows of chastity made just to tick off her father are over, and now all Faith Bettincourt wants is a nice, quiet life. Unfortunately, thanks to the unexpected arrival of her demonically-downsized sister, a ditzy succubus roommate, and dear old Dad himself, Faith’s plans for a relaxing vacation spent watching reruns go up in flames.

Now it’s all Faith can do to keep the family reunion from Hell (literally) under wraps, and the angelically-inclined hottie across the hall from realizing there’s something weird about his neighbor. And, thankfully, it’s working. Until an angelic stalker shows up in a bid to steal her powers and take over the world.

Forget watching reruns. With the way things are going, Faith will need the luck of the Devil just to survive until Monday.

Look for an interview with Patricia in August 2011. You can keep up to date on 2011 Debut Author Challenge happenings on the 2011 DAC page.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

500 Followers Giveaway - July 26, 2011

I just noticed that I have 500 Followers via Google Friend Connect (GFC). I've no idea when that happened. To thank the 500 of you, I'll give one of you a hardcover copy of Ghost Story (Dresden Files 13) by Jim Butcher. So this giveaway is limited to those of you following The Qwillery via GFC.

The eagerly awaited new novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files series.

When we last left the mighty wizard detective Harry Dresden, he wasn't doing well. In fact, he had been murdered by an unknown assassin.

But being dead doesn't stop him when his friends are in danger. Except now he has nobody, and no magic to help him. And there are also several dark spirits roaming the Chicago shadows who owe Harry some payback of their own.

To save his friends-and his own soul-Harry will have to pull off the ultimate trick without any magic...

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win a hardcover copy of Ghost Story by Jim Butcher.

How:  Leave a comment that also includes your GFC follower name and a way to contact you.

Who and When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth who follow The Qwillery via Google Friends Connect. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Tuesday, August 2, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*

Release Day Review: Hard Spell by Justin Gustainis - 4 Qwills

Hard Spell
Author: Justin Gustainis
Series: Occult Crimes Unit Investigations 1
Format: Mass Market Paperback, 416 pages
Publisher: Angry Robot Books (July 26, 2011)
Price: $7.99
Language: English
Genre: Urban Fantasy
ISBN: 978-0-85766-115-9
Review copy: Provided by the author. I also bought the e-book since it was released ahead of the Mass Market Paperback.

Cover and description:

Stan Markowski is a Detective Sergeant on the Scranton PD's Supernatural Crimes Investigation Unit.

Like the rest of America, Scranton's got an uneasy 'live and let unlive' relationship with the supernatural. But when a vamp puts the bite on an unwilling victim, or some witch casts the wrong kind of spell, that's when they call Markowski. He carries a badge. Also, a crucifix, some wooden stakes, a big vial of holy water, and a 9mm Beretta loaded with silver bullets.

File Under: Urban Fantasy [ Dial V For Vampire | Forbidden Spells | Bite Club | Scranton By Night ]

My thoughts:

Hard Spell is the first book in the Occult Crimes Unit Investigations series by Justin Gustainis. I've read a lot of books recently that include some sort of supernatural crime investigation unit - either with humans policing supernaturals, with supernaturals as police/law enforcement or both. I have not read anything quite like this.

While I am not an expert on noir, Hard Spell is definitely noirish. Stan Markowski, the main character, is fairly hard-boiled, he's got an air of desperation about him for a variety of reasons which become clear in the novel. The novel also pays homage in its way to Dragnet (a police procedural radio then TV show starring Jack Webb). I loved this element in the book. Essentially, however, this is an Urban Fantasy police procedural with noir elements. And it's a very good Urban Fantasy.

Hard Spell is set in an alternate Scranton, Pennsylvania, which I believe is a first. I learned some things from the book: Scranton is in an area of Pennsylvania called the Wyoming Valley. I also learned some slang indigenous to that area. Learning new things is always a plus for me in a book.

I like the main character Stan Markowski a lot. The story is told from his point of view. He's not a typical hero by any means. He's is a good cop though he stretches the rules here and there. His partner, Karl Renfer, makes a perfect foil for Stan. Stan and Karl work for the Occult and Supernatural Crimes Investigation Unit, which is nicknamed the "SupeSquad." The police procedural elements are well done. You can tall that Mr. Gustainis did his homework, but he does not bog down the book with too many procedural details.

I really like some of the secondary characters in the book, even some of the creepy and scary ones. The SWAT team is really great. Read the book to find out what SWAT means in this instance.

This is a fast moving book with terrific pacing. Stan and Karl deal with several crimes while also trying to figure out the big mystery surrounding some interrelated crimes. The book moves towards the ultimate showdown while skillfully weaving together several intersecting plot lines. The ending surprised me a bit, but in a good way.

The language can be a bit coarse at times, but it suits the tone of the book. There are some moments that made me laugh and/or smile. For example, you reach the SupeSquad by dialing "666." That actually makes a lot of sense.

This is a very good start to a new series, and I'm looking forward to the next book.

I give Hard Spell 4 Qwills.

Interview with Will McIntosh and Giveaway - July 26, 2011

Please welcome Will McIntosh to The Qwillery as part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge interviews. Will's debut, Soft Apocalypse, was published in April 2011.

TQ:  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Will:  I write lying down. I’m stretched on either a couch or bed, propped with pillows. I can write sitting up, but I’m not comfortable that way.

TQ:  Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Will:  More of a pantser. Until a few years ago, when I was writing short stories exclusively, I was a total pantser. I still have plenty of short stories that I’ve never finished because I got stuck at some point with no idea how to continue. With novels, I’m closer to the middle. Large sections of the story are complete blank spaces when I start writing, but I like to have some idea what the beginning, middle, and end will look like so I know I’m not going to work on it for six months then realize it’s not going to work. The stakes are so high with novels; to just jump in and have faith that I’ll figure out the story as I go is unnerving. The problem I struggle with is often I just can’t figure out what should happen until I’m actually writing. Often I have to be immersed in the story to see the characters clearly. I’m working on my third novel right now, and the entire last 1/3 is pretty much unknown at this point. I’m not thrilled about that, but it’s just not revealing itself yet.

TQ:  Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Will:  Robert Reed, Vonda McIntyre, Kim Stanley Robinson, Dan Simmons, Stephen King, Richard Russo, Pat Conroy, Nick Hornby, Michael Chabon, Johnathan Lethem. I think Stephen King has had a big influence on my writing, because I’ve been reading him since I was a kid, so his influence has permeated all the different periods of my life.

The most direct influence on my writing has been the writers who served as my teachers, first at Clarion, then at Taos Toolbox: James Patrick Kelly, Kelly Link, Walter John Williams, Maureen McHugh, Nalo Hopkinson, Richard Paul Russo, Howard Waldrop. I’m so grateful to them for the guidance and insights they gave me.

TQ:  Describe Soft Apocalypse in 140 characters or less.

Will:  Civilization slowly collapses. People cling to the lives they used to live and try not to notice. Terrible things happen to them.

TQ:  What inspired you to write Soft Apocalypse?

Will:  Reading the news each day. There is such an astonishing disconnect between what scientists are saying about the dangers facing us, and our response to their warnings. I wondered how people who are totally unprepared for a true collapse, who have no skill with weapons, don’t know how to cure meats, and would go into a deep depression without television and the Internet (people like me) would respond.

For the core of the story, I wanted a character who is clinging to some aspect of our world that would seem out of place during the collapse of civilization, something that would underscore his denial of what was really happening. I made it a guy who’s worried about his love life--sort of if Rob Gordon from Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity was working out his relationship issues while having to step over corpses.

TQ:  What sort of research did you do to create the world in the novel?

Will:  My father, a retired Brigadier General who also worked for the New York State Emergency Management Organization, helped me quite a bit with military and emergency response technical details. The collapse itself was based to some extent on James Howard Kunstler’s book, The Long Emergency, along with tons of articles I’ve read on overpopulation, peak oil, global warming in recent years.

TQ:  Without giving anything away, what is/are your favorite scene(s) in Soft Apocalypse?

Will:  Some of my favorite scenes are the ones that readers either love or hate. There’s the art gallery scene, where Jasper is swept up with innocent gallery-goers who are executed by Dada terrorists. When it’s his turn the terrorists see that he’s not from that upscale part of town and they let him go, but only after forcing him to do something horrifying and humiliating that haunts him throughout the rest of the novel.

The Wal-Mart scene is another of my favorites. Jasper’s date, Deirdre, incites a riot over price-hikes by throwing fruit at a manager. The riot escalates, and by the time it’s over, Savannah, Georgia’s Wal Mart is permanently closed.

TQ:  In Soft Apocalypse, who was the most difficult character to write and why? The easiest and why?

Will:  Deirdre, the personality-disordered singer was probably the most difficult. She was the most extreme character--angry, bitter, lacking a core sense of self--so I was often afraid I was letting her spin out of control into a clichĆ© of the Bad Girl. (My wife, for example, thought there were too many instances where Deirdre exposes her breasts, so some of those had to go in the final draft).

The easiest character was Cortez, because I understood what made him tick. He was a tough but insecure guy, the only central character who pretty quickly grasped the new reality they were living in and figured out how to survive, even thrive, in it. When things get truly awful the other characters have to lean heavily on him because they don’t know what the hell to do, because they’ve been clinging to their cell phones and deodorant while he’s been learning how to make jerky out of squirrel meat.

TQ:  What's next?

Will:  My second novel, Hitchers, will be published by Night Shade in early 2012. It’s about a cartoonist who becomes possessed by his dead alcoholic Grandfather. He has plenty of company, because a half million others in his city have also become possessed, including an aging rock star and a woman who may be possessed by the cartoonists’ one true love. The cartoonist is in a race against time to figure out how to evict his grandfather before Grandpa manages to push him out of his own body and into the land of the dead.

I’m at work on my third novel, Faller, and I’m co-writing a Sci Fi thriller screenplay with Ted Kosmatka.

TQ:  Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery

Will:  Thanks for having me!

About Soft Apocalypse

Soft Apocalypse
(Night Shade Books,  April 2011)
What happens when resources become scarce and society starts to crumble? As the competition for resources pulls America's previously stable society apart, the "New Normal" is a Soft Apocalypse. This is how our world ends; with a whimper instead of a bang.

New social structures and tribal connections spring up across America, as the previous social structures begin to dissolve. Soft Apocalypse follows the journey across the Southeast of a tribe of formerly middle class Americans as they struggle to find a place for themselves and their children in a new, dangerous world that still carries the ghostly echoes of their previous lives.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository
WebScription.Net (for e-books)

About Will

Will McIntosh is a Hugo award winner and Nebula finalist whose short stories have appeared in such venues as Asimov’s (where he won the 2010 Reader's Award for short story), Strange Horizons, and Science Fiction and Fantasy: Best of the Year. His first novel, Soft Apocalypse, was released in April from Night Shade Books. It is based on his 2005 short story of the same name, which was nominated for both the British Science Fiction Association and the British Fantasy Society awards. His story “Followed,” which was published in the anthology The Living Dead, has recently been produced as a short film. Will is a psychology professor at Georgia Southern University; in 2008 he became the father of twins.

Will's Website:

The Giveaway


What:  Two commenters will each win an e-book of Soft Apocalypse generously provided by Night Shade Books.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

Dystopias or Utopias?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Tuesday, August 2, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*

Monday, July 25, 2011

The View From Monday - July 25, 2011

It's the last Monday in July. The month seemed to go very quickly. This week The Qwillery has interviews with:

Will McIntosh, author of Soft Apocalypse (part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge interviews);

Seressia Glass, author of the Shadowchasers series. Shadow Fall, the 3rd book in the series, is out tomorrow.; and

Justin Gustainis, author of the Morris and Chastain Investigations series and the new Occult Crimes Unit Investigation series. Hard Spell, the 1st book in new series is out tomorrow as is Sympathy for the Devil, the 3rd Morris and Chastain novel.

A book shopping list in PDF format may be found by clicking here. Click "File" on the left and then "Print (PDF)." Remember to set your printer to Landscape mode. Anthology covers and book trailers are below.

July 26, 2011

RestorationsAdams, GuyF - The World House 2
Spell BoundArmstrong, KelleyUF - Women of Otherworld 12
After America**Birmingham, JohnSF/AH
Bearers of the Black Staff**Brooks, TerryF - Legends of Shannara 1
Ghost StoryButcher, JimUF - The Dresden Files 13
The SeekerCarmody, IsobelleYA - Obernewtyn Chronicle
Den of ThievesChandler, DavidF - Ancient Blades Trilogy 1
BloodlandsCody, ChristineF/SP/W - Bloodlands 1
Monster Hunter AlphaCorreia, LarryUF - Monster Hunter International 3
WolfsbaneCremer, AndreaYA - Nightshade 2
Resistance: A Hole in the SkyDietz, William C.SF
The Infinity GateDouglass, SaraF - Darkglass Mountain 3
The Devil's DiademDouglass, SaraF/AH
When the Great Days ComeDozois, Gardner (ed)SF - Anthology
Seduce Me in FlamesFrank, JacquelynPNR - Three Worlds 2
Bound By MoonlightGideon, NancyPNR - By Moonlight 4
Shadow FallGlass, SeressiaUF - Shadowchasers 3
Sacred EvilGraham, HeatherH - Krewe of Hunters 3
Hard SpellGustainis, JustinUF - Detective Sgt. Stan Markowski 1
Sympathy for the DevilGustainis, JustinUF - Morris/Chastain Investigations 3
Vampire Rising**Henderson, JasonYA - Alex Van Helsing
Voice of the UndeadHenderson, JasonYA - Alex Van Helsing
Black NightHenry, ChristinaUF - Black Wings 2
The Last VikingHill, SandraPNR
Claire de Lune**Johnson, ChristineYA
A Soldier's DutyJohnson, JeanSF - Theirs Not To Reason Why 1
SmoketownJohnson, Tenea D.SF
TattooKasai, Kirsten ImaniSF
The Fire KingLiu, Marjorie M.PNR - Dirk & Steele 9
Ghosts of WarMann, GeorgeUF - The Ghost 2
The Goblin CorpsMarmell, AriEAF
Dangerous WatersMcKenna, Juliet EEF - The Hardrumal Crisis 1
Another Kind of DeadMeding, KellyUF - Dreg City 3
Heroes at OddsMoore, Moira J.F - Hero 6
Citizens: Military Science Fiction by Military VeteransRingo, John (ed)
Thomsen, Brian M. (ed)
SF - Anthology
Heart of IronSedia, EkaterinaF
His Darkest SalvationStone, JulianaPNR - Jaguar Warriors 3
ShadowflameSylvan, DianneUF - Shadow World 2
Mission of HonorWeber, DavidS - Honor Harrington 12
Paranormalcy**White, KierstenYA - Paranormalcy 1
Do Unto OthersWilliamson, Michael Z.SF
The Black Lung CaptainWooding, ChrisSF - Tales of the Ketty Jay 2

July 31, 2011

Mortality BridgeBoyett, Steven R.F
Adjustment Team: The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Volume TwoDick, Philip K.SF - Collection
Grimscribe: His Lives and WorksLigotti, ThomasH - Collection
TroikaReynolds, AlastairSF

**  Paperback of Hardcover

AH - Alternate History
EF - Epic Fantasy
EAF - Epic Action Fantasy
F - Fantasy
H - Horror
PNR - Paranormal Romance
SF - Science Fiction
SP - Steampunk
UF - Urban Fantasy
YA - Young Adult

Anthology covers

Book Trailers

Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Heather Graham - Krewe of Hunters

Hard Spell by Justin Gustainis

Sympathy for the Devil by Justin Gustainis

Vampire Rising by Jason Henderson (for the hardcover release)

Voice of the Undead by Jason Henderson

Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson (for the hardcover release)

His Darkest Salvation by Juliana Stone

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (for the hardcover release)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

August 2011 Book Releases

Here is my list of books coming out in August 2011. If there is something that I've missed, please leave a comment below. Any genre mistakes are mine. Leave a comment if you feel that the genre is wrong. Also note that this list is always under revision. Please note that publication dates change. I try to keep this as accurate as possible. Anthology covers are below.

Please note that I am no longer including YA books in the release lists. YA is not the main focus of The Qwillery, and I rarely read YA. Having said that I may from time to time include a YA book in the lists. I've also changed the way I mark books as debuts, reissues, trade to mass market, etc. See the new key to the abbreviations below.

August 1, 2011

Catriona (ri)Baker, JeanettePNR
The Vampire Next DoorChase, AshlynPNR - Strange Neighbors 3
And A Child Shall Lead ThemDarrell, Keith B.F - Halos & Horns 2
Cold Magic (tp2mm)Elliott, KateSP/F - Spiritwalker 1
Plain Fear: ForsakenEllis, LeannaH - Plain Fear 1
Blood Maidens (h2tp)Hambly, BarbaraH - James Asher 3
The Lady of the StormKennedy, KathrynePHR -Elven Lords 2
Stormlord's ExileLarke, GlendaEF - Watergivers 3
Germline (d)McCarthy, T.C.SF - Subterrene War 1
The Cry of the MarwingNikakis, K.S.EF - Kira Chronicles 3
Eye of the TempestPeeler, NicoleUF - Jane True 4
Midnight on Julia Street (ri)Ware, CijiFR/TTR

August 2, 2011

Blood Song (t2mm)Adams, CatUF - Blood Song 1
Truth EngineAxler, JamesSF - Outlanders 58
Real Vampires Don't Wear Size 6Bartlett, GerryPNR - Glory St. Clair7
A Pleasure to Burn: Fahrenheit 451 StoriesBradbury, RaySF - Short Stories
Blood HuntButcher, Shannon K.PNR - Sentinel Wars 5
Working StiffCaine, RachelUF - Revivalist 1
Ward Against DeathCard, MelanieF - Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer 1
The WatchtowerCarroll, LeeUF - Garet James 2
First Command (ri)Chandler, A. BertramSF - Collection
Flowers for Her GraveClemens, JudyFM - Grim Reaper Mystery3
Introducing Garrett, P.I.Cook, GlenF - Omnibus
Derik's Bane (ri)Davidson, MaryJanicePNR - Wyndham Werewolf 3
A Hole in the SkyDietz, William C.SF - Resistance 2
Paradise 21Dionne, AubrieSFR - New Dawn 1
Omnitopia: East WindDuane, DianeSF - Omnitopia 2
Luck of the Devil (d)Eimer, PatriciaPC - Speak of the Devil 1
The Palace of Impossible Dreams (h2mm)Fallon, JenniferEF - Tide of Lords 3
Agatha H. and the Airship CityFoglio, Phil
Foglio Kaja
Zero History (h2tp)Gibson, WilliamSF
Out in Blue (d)Gilman, SarahPNR - Return to Sanctuary 1
Home Improvement: Undead EditionHarris, Charlaine (ed)
Kelner, Toni L.P. (ed)
UF - Anthology
Storm's HeartHarrison, TheaPNR - Elder Races 2
Blood CursedHayes, EricaUF - Shadowfae Chronicles 4
Secrets of the WolvesHearst, DorothyEF- Wolf Chronicles 2
Battle of the Network Zombies (t2mm)Henry, MarkUF - Amanda Feral 3
The Red GardenHoffman, AliceF
When Darkness Comes (ri)Ivy, AlexandraUF - Guardians of Eternity 1
Southern GodsJacobs, John HornorH
NocturneJames, SyrieHR
SteelhandsJones, Jaida
Bennett, Danielle
FR - Havemercy
RetributionKenyon, SherrilynPNR - Dark-Hunter 20
Water to BurnKerr, KatherineUF - License to Ensorcell 2
Night Walker (d)Kessler, LisaPNR - The Night 1
Master of ShadowsKnight, AngelaPNR - Mageverse 8
Blood of the DemonLario, RosaliePNR -Demons of Infernum 1
Prince of Thorns (d)Lawrence, MarkEF- The Broken Empire 1
Ghost ShipLee, Sharon
Miller, Steve
SF - Liaden Universe 13
Path of the Sun (tp2mm)Malan, VioletteF - Dhulyn and Parno 4
Warriors 3Martin, George RR (ed)
Dozois Gardner (ed)
F/SF - Anthology
Storm Born (ri)Mead, RichelleUF - Dark Swan 1
Another Kind of DeadMeding, KellyUF - Dreg City3
Empress of EternityModesitt, L. E.SF
The Wild Side: Urban Fantasy with an Erotic EdgeName, Mark L. Van (ed)UF - Anthology
Heart SearchOwens, Robin D.PNR - Celta 10
Darkness DescendingQuinn, DevynPNR - Vampire Armageddon 1
The DivinerRawn, MelanieHiF
DownpourRichardson, KatUF - Greywalker 5
Labyrinth (h2mm)Richardson, KatUF - Greywalker 4
The Whitefire Crossing (d)Schafer, CourtneyAF - The Shattered Sigil 1
AntiphonScholes, KenF - Psalms of Isaak 3
ExiledStirling, S.M.
Turtledove, Harry
Ringo, John
Nye, Jody Lynn
SF - Clan of the Claw 1
The Moonlight BrigadeStratford, Sarah JanePNR - Millennial 2
The Waters Rising (h2tp)Tepper, Sheri S.SF - Plague of Angels 2
BasiliskThurman, RobSF - Chimera 2
Tempest in the Tea LeavesTownsend, Kari LeeSM - Fortune Teller Mysteries 1
Primal LawTyler, J.D.PNR - Alpha Pack 1
Delaney's ShadowWeaver, IngridPNR/S
DemonicWhitefeather, SheriPER

August 3, 2011

The Last OracleSimpson, PatriciaPNR - Forbidden Tarot 3

August 4, 2011

The Last Four ThingsHoffman, PaulF - Left Hand of God 2
A Blight of MagesMiller, KarenEF -Kingmaker, Kingbreaker 3

August 6, 2011

Blood & Moonlight (ri)Ashley, Amanda
Cach, Lisa
Monajem, Barbara
PNR - Collection
The Unforgiven (ri)Nash, JoyPNR

August 8, 2011

Shadow Bound (ri)Kellison, ErinPNR - Shadow 1
Gryphon Unleashed (ri)Nance, KathleenPNR - Earth Magic 3

August 9, 2011

The Magician KingGrossman, LevF - Magician 2
The LanternLawrenson, DeborahFR

August 10, 2011

A Vector Alphabet of Interstellar Travel (e)Lee, Yoon HaSF

August 15, 2011

The Urban Fantasy AnthologyBeagle, Peter S.
Lansdale, Joe R.
UF - Anthology
Isles of the ForsakenGilman, Carolyn IvesEF
AccusedKaynak, KateSF/F - Ganzfield 4
Evolve Two: Vampire Stories of the Future UndeadKilpatrick, NancySF/F - Anthology
Henry VIII: WolfmanMoorat, A. E.MU/TH
Dragon Unmasked (ri)Nance, KathleenPNR - Earth Magic 2
Phoenix Unrisen (ri)Nance, KathleenPNR - Earth Magic 1
King's EnvoyPeace, CasEF - Artesans of Albia 1
Circle TideRowe, Rebecca K.SF

August 16, 2011

The Tempering of MenBear, Elizabeth
Monette, Sarah
F - Iskryne World 2
Best of the Tomes of the Dead Volume 2Bestwick, Simon
Bark, Jasper
McMahon, Gary
H - Collection
Stand on Zanzibar (ri)Brunner, JohnSF
Ready Player One (d)Cline, ErnestSF
LegacyGolemon, David L.SF - Event Group 6
Second Grave on the LeftJones, DaryndaPM/PT - Charley Davidson 2
The Unincorporated WomanKollin, Dani
Kollin, Eytan
SF - Unincorporated 3
PurificationMoody, DavidH - Autumn 3
The Moon Maze GameNiven, LarrySF - Dream Park 4
Stars and GodsNiven, LarrySF - Ringworld Collection
Low Town (d)Polansky, DanielF
Kitty's Greatest HitsVaughn, CarrieUF - Kitty Norville Collection
A Fire Upon The Deep (ri)Vinge, VernorSF - Zones of Thought 2

August 17, 2011

The Edinburgh DeadRuckley, BrianHF

August 22, 2011

The Armageddon Chord (d)Wagner, JeremyDF

August 23, 2011

The Measure of MagicBrooks, TerryF - Legends of Shannara 2
Where Demons Fear to Tread (d)Chong, StephaniePNR - Company of Angels 1
Mayan DecemberCooper, BrendaHF
Knight's CurseDuvall, KarenUF - Chalice 1
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror, 2011 EditionGuran, Paula (ed)DF/H - Anthology
The Mandel FilesHamilton, Peter F.SF - Omnibus, Vol 1
Down to the Bone (h2tp)Robson, JustinaSF/EF - Quantum Gravity 5
Cast in Fury (ri)Sagara, MichelleEF - Chronicles of Elantra 4
Cast in Silence (ri)Sagara, MichelleEF - Chronicles of Elantra 5
Dark Taste of RaptureShowalter, GenaPNR - Alien Huntress 7
Lord of the VampiresShowalter, GenaPNR - Royal House of Shadows 1
Body of SinSilver, EvePNR - Otherkin4
The Shadow WolfVanak, BonniePNR - Khamsin 10
Blood BoundVincent, RachelUF - Unbound 1

August 29, 2011

The Noble Pirates (d)Jean, Rima L.HF - Noble Pirates 1

August 30, 2011

Siren Song (tp2mm)Adams, CatUF - Blood Song 2
AftermathAguirre, AnnSF - Sirantha Jax 5
Grim Reaper: End of Days (h2mm)Alten, SteveSFT
Young Flandry (ri)Anderson, PoulSF - Technic Civilization Omnibus
With Fate ConspireBrennan, MarieF - Onyx Fort 4
Farlander (h2mm)Buchanan, ColEF - Heart of the World 1
Canyons of NightCastle, JaynePNR - Looking Glass Trilogy 3
White TigerChan, KylieF - Dark Heavens 1
Blood RulesCody, ChristineF- Bloodlands 2
Circle of EnemiesConnolly, HarryUF - Twenty Palaces 3
Grave ExpectationsErwin, Sherri Browning
Dickens, Charles
One Grave at a TimeFrost, JeanieneUF - Night Huntress 6
The Hour of Dust and AshesGay, KellyUF - Charlie Madigan 3
Shadow HighlanderGrant, DonnaPNR - Dark Sword 5
Ghost of a SmileGreen, Simon R.UF - Ghost Finders 2
Reality 36Haley, GuySF - Richards & Klein1
Enemy MineHarlow, KarinPNR - L.O.S.T. 2
The Sookie Stackhouse CompanionHarris, CharlaineUF
Will Power (h2mm)Hartley, A.J.EF- Will Hawthorne 2
Truly, Madly Viking (ri)Hill, SandraPNR - Viking II 2
SupernaturalIone, Larissa
Ivy, Alexandra
Frank, Jacquelyn
Aiken, G.A.
PNR - Collection
RoilJamieson, TrentF
Dream Chaser (ri)Kenyon, SherrilynPNR - Dream-Hunter 3 /  Dark-Hunter 14
Dream Warrior (ri)Kenyon, SherrilynPNR - Dream-Hunter 4 /  Dark-Hunter 17
Dream-Hunter (ri)Kenyon, SherrilynPNR - Dream-Hunter 1 / Dark-Hunter 10
Devil's BusinessKittredge, CaitlinUF - Black London 4
Night Falls on the WickedKohler, ShariePNR - Moon Chasers 5
Awakenings (d)Lazellari, EdwardF - Warriors of Aandor 1
Blood SacrificeLima, MariaUF - Blood Lines 5
A Taste of Crimson (ri)Liu, Marjorie M.UF - Crimson City 2
Sex, Lies, and Vampires (ri)Macalister, KatiePNR - Dark Ones 3
The Postmorta Magary, DrewSF
Shadowfever (h2mm)Moning, Karen Marie UF- Fever 5
The Dark GlamourPierce, GabriellaF - 666 Park Avenue 2
The RecollectionPowell, Gareth LSF
Wings of FireRoane, CarisPNR - World of Ascension 3
RegicideRoyle, NicholasH
The Terminal Experiment (ri)Sawyer, Robert J.SF
Lord of the VampiresShowalter, GenaPNR - Royal House of Shadows Collection
CrossroadsStein, Jeanne C.UF - Anna Strong 7
The Crown of the ConquerorThorpe, GavEF - Crown of the Blood 2
Ragnarok (tp2mm)Vanner, Patrick A.SF
Out of the Dark (h2mm)Weber, DavidSF

August 31, 2011

The Magic of Recluce (ri)Modesitt Jr., L.E.F - Recluce 1

d - Debut
e - Ebook
h2mm - Hardcover to  Mass Market Paperback
h2tp - Hardcover to Trade Paperback
ri - Reissue
tp2mm - Trade Paperback to Mass Market Paperback

AF - Adventure Fantasy
AH - Alternative History
DF - Dark Fantasy
EF - Epic Fantasy
F - Fantasy
FM - Fantasy Mystery
FR - Fantasy Romance
GF - Gaslight Fantasy
GT - Gothic Thriller
H - Horror
HF - Historical Fantasy
HiF - High Fantasy
HR - Horror Romance
HT - Historical Thriller
MU - Mashup
PC - Parnormal Comedy
PER - Paranormal Erotic Romance
PHR - Paranormal Historical Romance
PM - Paranormal Mystery
PNR - Paranormal Romance
PT - Paranormal Thriller
S - Suspense
SF - Science Fiction
SFT - Science Fiction Thriller
SM - Supernatural Mystery
SN - Supernatural Noir
SP - Steampunk
ST - Supernatural Thriller
TH - Twisted History
TTR - Time Travel Romance
UF - Urban Fantasy
