Monday, March 30, 2020

The View From Monday - March 30, 2020

It's Monday! I hope everyone is staying well and safe. I'll have a giveaway starting tomorrow for one of the books in the release list below. Tune back in tomorrow!

There are no debuts this week.

From formerly featured DAC Authors:

Dayfall by Michael David Ares is out in Mass Market Paperback;


The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag.

Clicking on a novel's cover will take you to its Amazon page.

Debut novels are highlighted in blue. Novels, etc. by formerly featured DAC Authors are highlighted in green.

March 31, 2020
Dayfall (h2mm) Michael David Ares SF/AP/PA
Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990 (ri) Mike Ashley Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies LUP 54
Providence Max Barry SF/Th/Dys
The Gobblin' Society James P. Blaylock SP
Road to Redemption Mike Brooks SF/AP/PA - Necromunda
The Stiehl Assassin (h2mm) Terry Brooks F - The Fall of Shannara 3
Sagas of the Space Wolves: The Omnibus Aaron Dembski-Bowden
David Annandale
Robbi MacNiven
Ben Counter
Nick Kyme
Andy Smillie
Cavan Scott
Mark Clapham
Lee Lightner
Alex Worley
SF - Warhammer 40,000
Lost and Wanted (h2tp) Nell Freudenberger Friendship/CW/GH - Vintage Contemporaries
Pariah (h2mm) W. Michael Gear SF/HSF/SO - Donovan 3
Ghoulslayer Darius Hinks F - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Anthropocene Rag Alex Irvine SF/AP/PA
Devoted Dean Koontz Sus/SupTh/H
Heralds of the Siege (ri) Nyke Kyme (Ed)
Laurie Goulding (Ed)
SF/SO - The Horus Heresy 52
Finder (h2mm) Suzanne Palmer SF/SO/AC - The Finder Chronicles 1
Voices of the Fall (h2mm) John Ringo (Ed)
Gary Poole (Ed)
SF - Black Tide Rising Anthology
The Master of Dreams (h2mm) Mike Resnick F/DF - The Dreamscape Trilogy 1
Mistborn Boxed Set I: Mistborn, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages Brandon Sanderson F - Mistborn 1
Today I Am Carey (tp2mm) Martin L. Shoemaker SF/HSF
Baby Teeth (h2mm) Zoje Stage PsyTh/FL/H
Ruthless Sarah Tarkoff Dys - Eye of the Beholder 3
A Star-Wheeled Sky (tp2mm) Brad R. Torgersen SF
The Sisters Grimm Menna van Praag CF - The Sisters Grimm 1
Beastgrave C L Werner F - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Valdor: Birth of the Imperium Chris Wraight SF/SO - Horus Heresy
Thrawn: Treason (h2mm) Timothy Zahn SF/SO - Star Wars: Thrawn 3

D - Debut
e - eBook
Ed - Editor
h2mm - Hardcover to Mass Market Paperback
h2tp - Hardcover to Trade Paperback
ri - reissue or reprint
tp2mm - Trade Paperback to Mass Market Paperback
Tr - Translator

AB - Absurdist
AC - Alien Contact
AH - Alternate History
AP - Apocalyptic
BlHu - Black Humour
CF - Contemporary Fantasy
CL - City Life
CoA - Coming of Age
Cr - Crime
CW - Contemporary Women
CyP - Cyperpunk
DF - Dark Fantasy
Dys - Dystopian
Esp - Espionage
F - Fantasy
FairyT - Fairy Tales
FL - Family Life
FolkT - Folk Tales
GenEng - Genetic Engineering
GH - Ghost(s)
H - Horror
HC - History and Criticism
Hist - Historical
HistF - Historical Fantasy
HistM - Historical Mystery
HSF - Hard Science Fiction
HU - Humorous
LF - Literary Fiction
LM - Legend and Mythology
NativeAm - Native American
MR - Magical Realism
MTI - Media Tie-In
Occ - Occult
P - Paranormal
PA - Post Apocalyptic
PerfArts - Performing Arts
PM - Paranormal Mystery
PNR - Paranormal Romance
Psy - Psychological
PsyTh - Psychological Thriller
RF - Romantic Fantasy
SE - Space Exploration
SF - Science Fiction
SH - Superheroes
SmT - Small Town
SO - Space Opera
SP - Steampunk
Sup - Supernatural
SupTh - Supernatural Thriller
TechTh - Technological Thriller
TerrTh - Terrorism Thriller
Th - Thriller
TT - Time Travel
UF - Urban Fantasy
VisM - Visionary and Metphysical

Note: Not all genres and formats are found in the books, etc. listed above.


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