Well it was a bumper crop for me this week. I got back in my reading 'groove' and got through 4 books this week. Please insert happy dance here.
I finished reading Rogue's Possession by Jeffe Kennedy (Carina Press, October 7, 2013). I really liked it. If you had read my 'WIR' last week you would know that I had forgotten some of the plot points from book 1. I wish I had gone back and re-read the ending of the previous book as there were some significant parts of the plot that I couldn't remember that were discussed in this one. I did appreciate how Kennedy didn't write big re-caps as some authors tend to do. Despite some 'fuzzy' bits I still thought it was a great story. I like how Kennedy doesn't pull any punches with her heroine. Some pretty nasty things happen to Gwyn who is trying hard not to be anyone's slave, especially Rogue's. In this installment Gwyn is looking for answers. She is searching for an answer to why fae firstborn children are going missing and trying not to end up having Rogue's. Kennedy has also created an interesting relationship between Gwyn and Rogue. Gwyn is strong and is trying to do the right thing whereas Rogue is manipulative and a little bit selfish. Together they make an interesting couple and you spend a large part of the novel wondering when or if they would ever get together. The book summary makes Rogue's Possession sounds like just another romantic fantasy but it is so much more. This is a great book but if you haven't read Rogue's Pawn then you need to start at the beginning of Gwyn's story. There is an added bonus that both books have gorgeous covers (apart from Rogue's rather dodgy mustache in book 2) but try not to do what I do by spending more time looking at the cover than reading the book!

I finished Bloodlust on my way home from a conference so needed a really short, very easy on the brain book to read on the train ride home. I found one from my Kindle recommendations. All I can say is boy it was bad. It was so bad I am not even going to admit to the name of it. Lets just say it was SFR and involved cyborgs....which don't make convincing love interests by the way.

Finally, I started King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence which is the second book of The Broken Empire series. Lawrence excels at writing gritty, unlikeable but wildly engaging books. I am hoping to finish it this week.
I am feeling quite smug at what I managed to read this week so on that note I am going to wish you a good week in reading. Until next week Happy Reading.
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