Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Interview with Shannon K. Butcher and Giveaway - August 2, 2011

Please welcome Shannon K. Butcher to The Qwillery. Blood Hunt, the 5th book in The Sentinel Wars series, is available today.

TQ:   What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Shannon:  Apparently, it’s my use of a Gantt chart to keep track of my writing schedule. And while I think this is entirely normal and reasonable, I know it’s a quirk because I have several good friends who often mock me for it. I don’t see why it’s so strange that I want to know what I’ll be doing with my time every week for the next two years. Doesn’t everyone? :-)

TQ:   Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Shannon:  I love Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward, Shannon McKenna, and Lori Foster, to name a few. But as far as influence goes, I learned to write from my author husband, Jim Butcher. And while our styles are very different, he taught me craft, so that was a huge influence. I hope to be as good as he is when I grow up.

TQ:   Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Shannon:  A Plotter. I use a capital “P” because I plan everything. I have charts, lists, maps and documents written in secret code. Well, maybe not that last part, but I am a serious planner, a fact to which my 2-year Gantt charting will attest.

TQ:   What inspired you to write The Sentinel Wars series?

Shannon:  Lots of things inspired me, but mostly it was many years spent doing geeky tabletop gaming. I wanted the story to have an epic feel while still focusing closely on characters. I love character-driven plots, and a wanted a world in which that could happen. I also wanted it to be framed around romantic relationships, but with monsters. I spent a couple of years working on this world, and have had a ton of fun playing in it!

TQ:   What research have you done to create The Sentinel Wars world?

Shannon:  I try not to let research keep me from actually writing, so I tend to research only those things that make it into the books. Mostly, it’s the mundane things like geography and weapons that I need to check to make sure the details are right.

TQ:   Describe Blood Hunt in 140 characters or less.

Shannon:  Woman with no past joins man with no future to fight evil and save his entire race. Demons, vampires and supernatural boinking. Oh my!

TQ:   In Blood Hunt, who was the easiest character to write and why? The most difficult and why?

Shannon:  Logan was easy. I’ve been writing him since book one of the Sentinel Wars, so he’s like an old friend. The hardest character to write was probably Torr, because I torture him so mercilessly.

TQ:   Without giving anything away, what it your favorite scene or scenes in Blood Hunt?

Shannon:  I’d have to say I love the scenes with Brenya. She’s a new character to the series, but one I’ve been planning for a long time. I can hardly wait to reveal more about her to my readers in future books.

TQ:   What's the playlist for Blood Hunt?

Shannon:  I’m a write-in-silence kind of girl.

TQ:   How many books are planned for The Sentinel Wars series?

Shannon:  I’ve always wanted to do 12-15. I know how the series ends, but I did create it so that there was wiggle room in the middle where I could either expand on some side characters and give them stories, or shrink it if that became necessary. I recently contracted for three more, so there will be at least nine stories, plus novellas.

TQ:   Should The Sentinel Wars series by read in order or are they standalones?

Shannon:  You can read them independently—I wrote them so that the reader would be able to understand what was going on—but I think they’re more enjoyable if read in order. I also created them so that when they were re-read, the reader would enjoy a different angle as an insider who knows the secrets they didn’t know the first time through.

TQ:   What's next?

Shannon:  After BLOOD HUNT, the second book of my new romantic suspense series, the Edge, comes out in November. Early next year, I have a novella, and book six of the Sentinel Wars (DYING WISH) coming out. This is Iain’s book, and is one of my favorites of the series.

TQ:   Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery!

Shannon:  Thanks so much for having me!

About Shannon's Books

The Sentinel Wars Series

Burning Alive
The Sentinel Wars 1
(Onyx, May 5, 2009)
First in an all-new paranormal romance series

Caution : readers may feel the heat coming off the pages.

They are the Sentinels...

Three races descended from ancient guardians of mankind, each possessing unique abilities in their battle to protect humanity against their eternal foes-the Synestryn. Now, one warrior must fight his own desire if he is to discover the power that lies within his one true love...

Helen Day is haunted by visions of herself surrounded by flames, as a dark-haired man watches her burn. So when she sees the man of her nightmares staring at her from across a diner, she attempts to flee-but instead ends up in the man's arms. There, she awakens a force more powerful and enticing than she could ever imagine. For the man is actually Theronai warrior Drake, whose own pain is driven away by Helen's presence.

Together, they may become more than lovers-they may become a weapon of light that could tip the balance of the war and save Drake's people...

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

Finding The Lost
The Sentinel Wars 2
(Onyx, November 3, 2009)
Sentinel warrior Paul has been searching for centuries for a woman like Andra. To find her, he strikes a bargain with a bloodhunter that could cost him his life. Now, his desire for Andra threatens to destroy his much-needed control. Against her wishes, Andra agrees to join Paul on a journey fraught with danger—and leading directly to the Synestryn who victimized her family eight years ago.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

Running Scared
The Sentinel Wars 3
(Onyx, May 4, 2010)
The thrilling third novel in Shannon K. Butcher's new urban fantasy series...

Lexi Johns has one purpose: to free her best friend from the hands of the Sentinels. And the Sentinel she has been running from for months, Zach, has one goal: to convince her that their destinies are entwined. For the magic that Zach has absorbed could destroy him if he doesn't find the woman to channel it for him. And he knows Lexi is the one...

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

Living Nightmare
The Sentinel Wars 4
(Signet, November 2, 2010)
For nine years, the Sentinel Nika has had one goal-to save her younger sister from the Synestryn who hold her captive. Now, the psychic bond Nika forged with her sibling on that terrible night is fading, and time is running out. But the one man who can unlock the power inside her may be the greatest danger to her.

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

Blood Hunt
Sentinel Wars 4
(Signet, August 2, 2011)
Hope appeared out of nowhere, naked and alone, a woman without a past. The only thing she knows is that she is imbued with a strange power. It's in her blood. And two men want to posses it. One is Logan, a Sanguiner demon-fighter who needs Hope's essence to survive. The other is Krag, a Synestryn lord whose desire is to enslave Hope, and drain her of the lifeforce. When Hope and Logan both fall prey to Krag, a powerful desire grows between them. But is it enough to thwart their captor's diabolical plan and his demon warriors, and survive a vampire's destiny written in blood?

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

The Edge Series

Living on the Edge
Edge 1
(Signet, March 1, 2011)
With her thrilling Sentinel Wars series, Shannon K. Butcher pushed readers to the very edge of their imaginations. Now, with the first in her new action romance series she takes them to the very edge of their seats, following the loves and lethal lives of a group of hardened mercenaries who live on the edge-and beyond...

Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

Razor's Edge
Edge 2
(Signet, November 1, 2011)
Roxanne "Razor" Haught is an expert in stealth security for corporate espionage cases. But now she's a target. Tanner O'Connell has no intentions of leaving Razor's side. Despite her objections to having a "babysitter", his orders as the newest member of the Edge are to watch her back. With a brainwashed assassin after his partner, Tanner cannot afford to let his desire for Razor interfere with his duty. His special ops skills may be all that stand between saving Razor-or losing her forever.

Preorder - Amazon : Barnes & Noble : Book Depository

For a complete list of Shannon's Romantic Suspense novels head over to her website here.

About Shannon

After spending too many years as an industrial engineer, Shannon learned to write from her husband, #1 NYT bestselling author Jim Butcher. She learned writing craft in order to help him with his stories, but found the idea of writing her own too compelling to resist. Now an award-winning author herself, she lives in Missouri with her husband, where conversations at the dinner table are more often about things someone made up than about anything that’s actually happened. Feel free to contact Shannon via her website: www.shannonkbutcher.com.

Shannon's Links

Website: www.shannonkbutcher.com
Twitter: @ShannonKButcher
Fan Forum: http://skbbooks.proboards.com/index.cgi
FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001028124810
FB Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shannon-K-Butcher/136762219616

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win a Mass Market Paperback copy of Living Nightmare (The Sentinel Wars 4) along with a handmade glass bookmark made by Shannon in her glass kiln from Shannon and a Mass Market Paperback copy of Blood Hunt (The Sentinel Wars 5) from The Qwillery.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

Should your Alpha have a tattoo or no tattoo? 

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Tuesday, August 9, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*


  1. Thank you for the interview! I wish I could see Shannon's Gantt chart. She sounds so organized! I love the idea of knowing your work schedule for the next 2 years. Maybe that is why she is so productive! :)

    My alpha can have tattoos....as long as they are good tattoos! If he is going to have a barbwire arm band...then no thank you.

    I am a follower :)

    ssosborn AT gmail dot com

  2. No tattoo on my Alpha, thank you. I can paint temporary Tattoos on him. Then lick them off.

    I love Shannon's works!

    Am now following your blog.

  3. My reading club chewed me out for not having read this series.
    Tat, no tat doesn't matter but I expect some characters of the story to have a tat somewhere on their person.

    Qwill follower


    zombvampire AT gmail DOT com

  4. Great interview! I love Shannon's Sentinel War series and am really looking forward to reading Logan's story.

    Ooh... I love a tattoo on the Alpha when the tattoo is emotionally symbolic to Hero and his true character. Especially when it's true power and meaning are a close kept secret. It adds to the mystery and excitement of the Hero.

    I'm a gfc follower.


  5. thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!!

    thanks for the interview!my alpha should definitely have a tattoo as long as it signifies something meaningful:)

    GFC-Janhvi Jagtap

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  6. Tattoos are okay for alphas, but mysterious scars are better in some ways.

    I too want to see that chart!

    I'm following, shared on FB, and I've posted at:


  7. I would like my alpha to have a tatoo or scar. I think that is very sexy looking on a guy. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Tore923@aol.com

  8. Supernatural boinking(snicker, snicker).

    I like tattoos on my supernatural hero types. In real life, not so much. I prefer all black to those with color though.

    GFC Anne38


  9. Oh my, you had me at supernatural boinking - I kind of blanked on the rest! My alpha definitely 100% has to have tattoos! And of course, it goes without saying that they would be really cool ones!
    jwitt33 at live dot com
    I am a GFC follower :)

  10. One tattoo is good, so long as it isn't a stupid one. But, if my alpha doesn't have one,that alright, too.

  11. Thank you for sharing about your series and all your wonderful books. I have several on my gotta have list, and so enjoyed the post.

    1+ Question: Should your Alpha have a tattoo or no tattoo?
    My answer: I H wants one of a grizzly bear, and he has been searching for the perfect picture of it.
    I do think one day that I will get one..it's on my bucket list anyway..*S* And of course it will be of a wolf...*S*

    1+ My Little Blog:
    1+ My Twitter:
    1+ My Facebook:


    pommawolf @hotmail.com

  12. All the cover look so fierce!
    As a personal preference I would want no tattoo on the Alpha male. However I have read books about the Alpha with meaningful tattoos and have enjoyed it just fine.

    I am a GFC follower.

  13. Although I'm not a huge fan of tattoos in real life - I like to look at them but wouldn't want to look at one for the rest of my life - I think I'd like my Alpha to have a fantastic tattoo that means something important.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  14. none.. I think it's to cliche...;)

  15. I enjoyed the interview :) My alpha can have tattoos, but I don't care much either way. facebooked: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000547840483
    GFC Krystal Larson

  16. He can have a couple of tattoos, if he wants. As long as he doesn't go overboard.
    GFC follower

  17. Should your Alpha have a tattoo or no tattoo? Interesting question..to be answered by the Alpha.. the Alpha is the only one to decide what happens to the Alpha.
    Her engineering background shows with those Gnatt charts.

  18. I don't NEED my alpha to have a tattoo, but something amazing & appropriate can be very HOT.

    GFC: Mary Preston


  19. YEA!!!! and i prefer long hair

  20. Oh yeah, he's got to have a tattoo! I love Shannon's books and can't wait to read these.

    +1 old gfc follower

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  21. Love my alphas with at least one tattoo in my book the more tats the better

    I follow via gfc
    wanda l flanagan
    and by email

    I tweeted

    I posted to my blog

  22. I LOVE these covers!!!!! Oh many...
    I am so adding these to my list of READ.....

  23. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  24. I love a manly tattoo that has meaning on my heroes. I have to say when you described this book in 140 characters or less, my mouth literally started watering - it just sounds tasty and I would love to sink my teeth into it. I will definitely be checking out this series and putting them on my wishlist.
    I am a follower of this lovely blog.


  25. I like a sexy tattoo on my heroes.

    Love The Sentinel series, so thanks for offering such great prizes.

    gfc follower
    cathy m
    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  26. I am all about tattoos! So that is a big yes to my alpha having tattoos!

    I am a follower

    sariahwalters at gmail dot com

  27. I'm not a fan of tattoos so none on my Alphas please :)
    Great interview
    International GFC follower

  28. Yes to the tattoo; I just love them. I don't like the sleeve tattoos, though.... So MY alpha can't have that! LOL

    I'm a follower (booklover0226)

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  29. I'm in for a tattoo. It's good and sexy and it should express something!

    follower :)

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  30. Should your Alpha have a tattoo or no tattoo?

    Most definitely a tattoo of what most represents that Alpha's personality that no one else knows and it should be in a spot only that special someone can see it.

  31. I love the interview, and though I'm a new brand new reader of Shannon's works, I'm hoping to purchase more. So far what I've read I've loved.

    My alpha can have a tattoo, I love them, especially ones with spiritual meanings.

    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/skuelz

    twitter: twitter.com/slky75

    email: www.nightangel001@hotmail.com
