Monday, May 11, 2020

The View From Monday - May 11, 2020

It is another Monday.

There are 3 debuts this week:

Stealing Thunder by Alina Boyden;

My Mother's House by Francesca Momplaisir;


Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas.

Clicking on a novel's cover will take you to its Amazon page.

From formerly feature DAC Authors:

Benjamin 2073: A Original by Rjurik Davidson;


Aleph Extraction (Intergalactic Cold War 2) by Dan Moren is out in digital format; the Trade Paperback was published on April 3, 2020.

Clicking on a novel's cover will take you to its Amazon page.

Debut novels are highlighted in blue. Novels, etc. by formerly featured DAC Authors are highlighted in green.

May 12, 2020
Stealing Thunder (D) Alina Boyden F
Endland Tim Etchells LF/Dys/SS/BlHu
Unreconciled W. Michael Gear SF/HSF/SO - Donovan  4
Queen of the Unwanted Jenna Glass F - The Women's War 2
Armageddon House Michael Griffin Dys/H
The Porpoise (h2tp) Mark Haddon LF/Hist/MR -  Contemporaries
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (h2tp) Alix E. Harrow MR/CoA/HistF/RF
Vaults Of Obsidian Darius Hinks SF/SE - Warhammer 40,000
T.I.M.E Stories: The Heiden File (e) Christophe Lambert SF/TT/MTI
Even the Dogs (ri) Jon McGregor MR/GH/STR/LF
My Mother's House (D) Francesca Momplaisir MR/CH/LF
Shakespeare For Squirrels Christopher Moore F/HU
Aleph Extraction (e) Dan Moren SF/SO/HSF - Intergalactic Cold War 2
The Anthill Julianne Pachico LF/H
Firewalkers Adrian Tchaikovsky SF
Catherine House (D) Elisabeth Thomas LF
Sky of Water Stacey L. Tucker F/RF/CW/MR/VisM - Equal Night Trilogy 3
Gastronogeek: 42 Recipes from Your Favorite Imaginary Worlds Thibaud Villanova
Maxime LĂ©onard
Empire of Grass (h2tp) Tad Williams F/DF - Last King of Osten Ard  2

May 13, 2020
Benjamin 2073: A Original (e) Rjurik Davidson SF
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin (ri) P. D. Ouspensky VisM/Occ/Sup/Phil

May 14, 2020
A Time of Changes (ri) Robert Silverberg SF - Masterworks

May 15, 2020
Gender and Environment in Science Fiction (h2tp) Christy Tidwell (Ed)
Bridgette Barclay (Ed)
PopCul/SF/HC - Ecocritical Theory and Practice
The Cold Last Swim Junior Burke Noir/AH
Planet Auschwitz: Holocaust Representation in Science Fiction and Horror Film and Television Brian E. Crim Holocaust/LC/PerfArts/SF/F/H/Sup

D - Debut
e - eBook
Ed - Editor
h2mm - Hardcover to Mass Market Paperback
h2tp - Hardcover to Trade Paperback
Ke - Kindle eBook
ri - reissue or reprint
tp2mm - Trade Paperback to Mass Market Paperback
Tr - Translator

AC - Alien Contact
AH - Alternate History
AP - Apocalyptic
BlHu - Black Humor
CF - Contemporary Fantasy
CH - Cultural Heritage
CM - Crime and Mystery
CoA - Coming of Age
CW - Contemporary Women
DF - Dark Fantasy
Dys - Dystopian
Esp - Espionage
F - Fantasy
FairyT - Fairy Tales
FL - Family Life
FolkT - Folk Tales
FR - Fantasy Romance
GenEng - Genetic Engineering
GH - Ghost(s)
H - Horror
HC - History and Criticism
Hist - Historical
HistF - Historical Fantasy
HSF - Hard Science Fiction
HU - Humorous
LF - Literary Fiction
LM - Legend and Mythology
MR - Magical Realism
MTI - Media Tie-In
Occ - Occult
P - Paranormal
PA - Post Apocalyptic
PerfArts - Performing Arts
Phil - Philosophy
PNR - Paranormal Romance
Pol - Political
PopCul - Popular Culture
Psy - Psychological
PsyTh - Psychological Thriller
RF - Romantic Fantasy
SE - Space Exploration
SF - Science Fiction
SH - Superheroes
SO - Space Opera
SS - Short Stories
STR - Small Town and Rural
Sup - Supernatural
SupTh - Supernatural Thriller
Sus - Suspense
TechTh - Technological Thriller
TTR - Time Travel Romance
VisM - Visionary and Metaphysical
WS - Women Sleuths

Note: Not all genres and formats are found in the books, etc. listed above.


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