Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you are getting lots read on your extra long weekend.
I just deleted my almost complete 'week in review' so rather annoyed with myself and trying desperately to remember what I just wrote. I am not sure what combination of buttons I pressed instead of hitting the 'italics' button but it was enough to delete the whole thing and then saved a 'n'. *Please insert frustration tears here*
BUT anyway...I digress back to books. I finished reading Delia's Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer. I am planning to have my review up soon so don't want to give too much away. Another book that I am planning to review is Blood Warrior by Lindsey Piper. It was in my box of goodies that I received from Qwill a couple of weeks ago and decided I needed a quick read book. I read book one of the Dragon Kings series, Caged Warrior back in June which I thought was just OK. As I am hoping to have a review for you soon I don't want to say too much other than I feel the series is improving....slowly but improving nonetheless.

I am not a fan of short stories but I kept on going by reading The Mysterious Case of Mr Strangeway by Karina Cooper. This is a prequel to the Cherry St Croix series and goes back to when Cherry is just fifteen and starting out as a collector. I quite enjoyed it and made me really look forward to reading Corroded which is the next full length book of the series and which I am super lucky to have received from NetGalley. I am very nervous however, about this next book as I was almost depressed at the end of book two, Tarnished.
I also started Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl by David Barnett. It has already captured my attention by being very unusual and not what I was expecting. Fingers crossed I will finish it this week. On that note, I think I better get to it and leave you to enjoy whatever it is you are reading. Until next week Happy Reading
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