Dead Harvest (The Collector 1) by Chris F. Holm - Ended March 24, 2012 - Read the Guest Blog here.

Question: What are some of your favorite cross genre novels? or Are there any genres do you think should not be crossed?
marybelle who said...
I think I might baulk at reading the cross between Horror & Regency. The mind boggles.

The Company of the Dead by David Kowalski - Ended March 27, 2012 - Read the interview here.

Question: If you could time travel, which historical event or events would you like to witness? OR Write a limerick about a book you've read.
Anne who said...
Boy, it's hard to pick just one big event. It would have to be an event where I'd be safe, so no Salem witch trials or crusades. I was actually up for the first moon walk, but so young it didn't really mean anything to me. Maybe the first actual flight.

Devil's Luck (Disillusionists eNovella) by Carolyn Crane - Ended March 29, 2012 - Read the interview here.
Question: On what device do you read your eBooks?
Filia Oktarina who said...
I read my ebooks on my Samsung Tablet with epub or PDF format. Just two format was enough for me:)

Exogene (The Subterrene War 2) by T.C. McCarthy - Ended March 30, 2012 - Read the interview here.
Question: Favorite Military SciFi novel, movie, short story, or TV show?
rissatoo who said
Three of my favorite scifi series immediately popped to mind when I read the question... David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Orson Scott Card's Ender's series, and Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series. Love lots more, but these are top three. (Other scifi authors I love include Elizabeth Moon Robert A Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, Frank Herbert, etc. I could go on. And on!)

Three A.M. by Steven John - Ended April 3, 2012 - Read the interview here.
Question: What are some of your favorite dystopian or noir novels?
molly.frenzel who said
Some of my faves are Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, and A Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood.

Wicked as They Come (Blud 1) by Delilah S. Dawson - Ended April 3, 2012 - Read the review here.

Question: What have you read recently that you loved?
Natalia J who said
I recently read The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams. I loved it and can not wait for the next. Thanks for the giveaway.

Winner's Choice of one of the first 4 Jane True novels by Nicole Peeler - Ended April 6, 2012 - Read the interview here.

Question: Which book series would you like to go on forever? OR Which book series do you think should end/should have ended already?
Stephanie who said...
I want the Hollows series to go on forever.

Deadworld (Deadworld 1), The Vengeful Dead (Deadworld 2) and The Lingering Dead (Deadworld 3) (signed) by J.N. Duncan - Ended April 7, 2012 - Read the guest blog here. US/CANADA ONLY

Question: What do you expect to see over the course of a series, what pulls you in more, and even those things that make you end up bored and stop reading a series?
BookAttict who says...
I can't believe this series hasn't appeared on my radar until now.. Deadworld sounds like a fantastic series that I'd love to read!
I read. A lot. What do I look for in a series that keeps me reading? I absolutely LOVE UF and Fantasy, so it's the details and world-building that pull me in, as well as well-drawn characters (main AND secondary) that I want to know more about.
While I realize nobody's perfect (even authors) -- and not every book is going to be a perfect read for me -- what really will turn me off a series is lack of development in the characters. I've noticed this seems to happen quite a bit in well-established series (14-15) books in. The author finds a formula that works and the characters stay in this time-warp and never change, just regurgitate the same jokes, situations, etc. -- Time moves forward-- people change. This should be true of characters in a series as well.
The other thing will put me off a series is a forced story arc -- like the author forced the characters to go in a direction that, well, seems manufactured and awkward, to get them from where they are to where the author "needs" them to be (if that makes any sense...)
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

The Alchemist of Souls (Night's Masque 1) by Anne Lyle - Ended April 9, 2012 - Read the interview here.
Question: Leave a comment.
Lilian who said...
Thank you so much for the interview! The book sounds like a great hisotircal read...I haven't read one in awhile!

The winners have been notified and have until 11:59PM US Eastern Time on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 to respond or The Qwillery will very randomly chose a new winner or winners. Thank you!
Lots of great books, congrats everyone!