
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Interview with Nathan Garrison, author of Veiled Empire - May 26, 2015

Please welcome Nathan Garrison to The Qwillery as part of the 2015 Debut Author Challenge Interviews. Veiled Empire is published on May 26th by Harper Voyager Impulse. Please join The Qwillery in wishing Nathan a Happy Publication Day!

TQ:  Welcome to The Qwillery. When and why did you start writing?

Nathan:  I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't writing something or other. I think I've always been destined to become a storyteller, it just took this long until I had the bare minimum skills required to enter the fray.

TQ:  Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Nathan:  Well, I tried pansting for about fifteen years and could never finish a book. Switched to plotting and wrote two and a half novels in two years. So I guess you could say I'm ... still on the fence?

TQ:  What is the most challenging thing for you about writing?

Nathan:  Focus. I'm easily distracted. By noises and shiny objects, food, the internet, other writing projects that I'm not currently working on but just can't stop thinking about. You know, the usual.

TQ:  Who are some of your literary influences? Favorite authors?

Nathan:  Classic authors such as Tolkien and C.S. Lewis started me down the road to loving books, especially those of the speculative variety. My two favorite modern authors would probably have to be Brandon Sanderson and Steven Erikson, two writers with vastly different styles but whose depth of imagination is astonishing. My own writing falls somewhere between them, I think.

TQ:  Describe Veiled Empire in 140 characters or less.

Nathan:  A diverse band of revolutionaries fight against a tyrannical regime to reclaim their land's soul - and their own.

TQ:  Tell us something about Veiled Empire that is not found in the book description.

Nathan:  I hadn't originally intended for there to be any romance in the book, but some of it snuck in anyway. It even plays a small but vital role in the plot and, of course, the character development of those involved.

TQ:  What inspired you to write Veiled Empire? What appealed to you about writing Epic Fantasy?

Nathan:  I've always been drawn to the imagination and scope only found in epic fantasy. The sense of wonder on every page. The scale of the danger. The magic. Veiled Empire itself was my first (successful) attempt to tell my own story in such a world.

TQ:  What sort of research did you do for Veiled Empire?

Nathan:  I did quite a bit of research on the development and use of weapons, armor, and tactics. I didn't end up using much of it, though. With the amount of combat sorcery being flung about in this book, real-world models couldn't quite work.

TQ:  Who was the easiest character to write and why? The hardest and why? Which character surprised you the most?

Nathan:  The easiest would have to be Mevon Daere, whom I consider the "mainest" of the main characters. It was around him - his personality and unique abilities - that the original seed of an idea for this story came about. I didn't have to strain much when writing his scenes.

The hardest was most definitely Voren. I knew the path I wanted him to take, but keeping his scenes interesting while he essentially remained in place was a challenge. More difficult still, however, was attempting to make every step of his character arc believable and compelling. I'm grateful for the struggle, though. I grew more as a writer while doing his scenes than while writing anyone else's.

The most surprising was Vashodia. She was always unpredictable, even for me. I'm pretty sure she knows more about the world I created than I do!

TQ:  Which question about Veiled Empire do you wish someone would ask? Ask it and answer it!


Q: Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
A: Yes it does! But not until later in the book, so if you're looking for that kind of thing please have patience. I assure you, it will be rewarded.

TQ:  Give us one or two of your favorite non-spoilery lines from Veiled Empire.

Nathan:  From the first chapter, which is available to read on my website

"Their screams joined others, a dissonant chorus that filled the rocky enclave. The battle became like a song. No—a symphony! His blades sang the melody, ringing out in a low, buzzing roar that grew in intensity with each severed soul, while cries of panic and agony from his enemies created a bittersweet harmony, all backdropped by the pounding rhythm of his Fist’s relentless advance.


"Though the night was dark, it was not pure. Not even close. It was a passive thing, beset by two moons and a cacophony of stars. Vapid, hollow.

The darkness into which she now passed was everything night was not. It … filled, with intention and rapacity. The dark energy gathered here, thick as foam, made her giggle in delight."

TQ:  What's next? [this is where you share whatever literary you'd like to share]

Nathan:  I have a completed science fiction novel that I'm polishing up now, and several other books in various stages of planning. I hope to get better with every word that I write, and I'm looking forward to creating more worlds for readers to get lost in. For me, I know the best is yet to come.

TQ:  Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery.

Nathan:  Thank you for having me!

Veiled Empire
Harper Voyager Impulse, May 26, 2015
eBook, 412 pages

The Empire is Shrouded, not only by the barrier that covers the land, but by the lies and oppression of the mierothi regime. Magic is the privilege of the elite, and the people of this shadowed country have forgotten what it means to hope under their rule.

But there are some who would resist, with plans put into motion millennia before. For returned to the Empire is a valynkar, servant of the god of light, and with him come the strength and cunning that could tip the scales to end the Emperor's reign. He has gathered a group of heroes ready to ignite the flame of rebellion and fight against the dark power that has ruled for nearly two thousand years. A power that has champions of its own.

Nathan Garrison's Veiled Empire throws a mythical land into chaos, with races long thought forgotten, and magics only just discovered. Steel and sorcery clash as brave souls vie for freedom and control in this astonishing debut novel.

About Nathan

I have two great boys and an awesome wife who is way more supportive of my writing efforts than I deserve. I love playing guitar (the louder the better), cooking (the more bacon-y the better), playing board/video/card games with friends and family, and reveling in unadulterated geekery.

Born in 1983, I've been writing stories since my dad bought our first family computer. I grew up on tales of the fantastic. From Narnia and Middle-Earth to a galaxy far, far away, I've always harbored a love for things only imagination can conjure up. I count it among the greatest joys of my life to be able to share the stories within me.

Website  ~  Facebook  ~  Goodreads  ~  Twitter @NR_Garrison

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