
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Melanie's Week in Review - February 15, 2015

Happy Day after Valentine's Day one and all. I hope your shelves were bursting with PNR and lots of chocolate on the day. I was very magnanimous and shared the day with the 'outlaws' and my eldest stepson. I am on a diet so no chocolate hearts for me and I had to settle for diet of PNR on the big day. So what did I read?

I started the week by reading Finn Fancy Necromancy which is the debut novel by one of the most hilarious authors in town  - Randy Henderson. I actually got my act together and got a book read in time to be reviewed as part of the Qwillery's very own  - Debut Author Challenge. So instead of my usual 'I will be writing a full review so keep your eye out for it' I am actually able to say 'check out my review here! While you are at it you can enjoy Randy's interview. I am still chuckling over Randy's witty responses. Finn Fancy Necromancy is one of those rare books that combines humour and a great mystery. I could say toss me some wax for my lyrical but I think I did that enough in my review so please read and find why I thought it was such a good book.

Book number two for me was Eliza Crewe's Crushed which is also Crewe's second book in the Soul Eater series. For those of you how follow my WIR you might remember I reviewed the first book of the series Cracked way, way back in September 2013. Crewe gave me one of my favourite words of 2013  - hangry. Meda is still living with the Crusaders but feeling constrained by their rules and restrictive lifestyle. She meets up with the hunky halfling Armand who tempts her to rebel. A war between the Crusaders and the demons is about to start and whose side will Meda be on?  While I enjoyed Crushed I didn't think it was quite as amusing as book 1. In fact there were a few chapters in the middle where I started to lose interest as Meda got to be a bit too whiny and feeling sorry for herself. It did turn itself around at the end and Meda was back to being the kick-ass heroine she was in book 1. Crewe states in her afterward that she managed to release this book following the collapse of her publisher Strange Chemistry. I don't know if there is a going to be a book 3 but I hope so, even if a final one to finish off the series.

That is it for me this week. I started Soulbound by Kristen Callihan and try as I might I wasn't able to finish it. I will tell you all next week. But until then Happy Reading.

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