
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

The Qwillery is 6 and other things - October 1, 2014

The Qwillery is 6 years old today. For me, that is hard to believe. As I've mentioned on previous anniversaries, the blog originally was not devoted to books. That changed in May 2010. It's gone from a one person operation to now include additional reviewers. A big thank you to Melanie, Tracey, Brannigan, Doreen, and Stacey. They are all fabulous reviewers and enrich my experience at The Qwillery every day.

We're gearing up for New York Comic Con (NYCC), which is next week. Today is the start of Paranormal Mystery Month in which authors answer 1 question: "How do you or one of your characters celebrate Halloween?" More on that later. We'll be hosting an Anniversary Giveaway after NYCC. This is the 4th year of the Debut Author Challenge. Melanie writes her fabulous Week in Review every week. Brannigan has started his Retro Reviews feature. We have more fun things planned for you over the next year. Oh, and we're nearing 1 million pageviews (987,265 as of a few minutes ago).

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you who read, comment, stop by and support The Qwillery. Thank you to all the wonderful authors who answer my questions every year and write amazing and interesting blog posts. The Qwillery would not be what it is without all of you. Here's to another 6 years and more.

Sally / Qwill