
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Melanie's Week in Review - June 15, 2014

Well I would love to tell you all about all the great books I read this week but I can't lie...I only finished one book. So what did I read?

I decided to finish off Emma Newman's Split Worlds trilogy with All Is FairI have enjoyed this series but almost in diminishing returns. I loved book 1, thought book 2 was good (see my WIR from 1st June) but was a bit indifferent about book 3. I thought William was a bit of a jerk and Cathy was the real hero of the story... although I think that was Newman's plan all along. The culmination of the Arbiter murders felt a bit forced and overall it felt like Newman was rushing towards an imaginary finish line. I liked Newman's world building and characterisation but think the series could have had a more balanced plot. That is just me nitpicking though!

I then decided to go for a book that Qwill read last year but that I haven't been able to find, reasonably priced in the UK. I came across The Golem and The Djinni by Helene Wecker quite reasonably price so jumped on it. I haven't finished it yet but so far I am loving it. I will have more to tell you next week.

I was really trying to finish another book but didn't want to rush the story so decided to continue with the Irin Chronicles by Elizabeth Hunter. I started this series a few weeks ago with The Scribe and thought I could finish book The Singer (book 2) in a few hours but it wasn't to be so you will have to wait until next week to learn more about this book, as well.

I was wondering what you think of free serials. I am currently reading two. One by one of my long standing favourite authors and another by one of my newer faves. At first I thought free serials were the best thing since sliced bread.... free sliced bread that is, but I have changed my mind a bit. Free serials are only as good as the time the author has to spend writing them. Once other obligations like book tours, other writing.... or life come into play than the free book seems to drop off the radar. I have waited almost a month for a new chapter in some cases which really interferes with your reading flow. I do really appreciate that authors want to share something as amazing as a free book but wish they would think of us poor readers waiting anxiously for a new chapter!

It looks like with the World Cup on TV for the next 3 weeks I am going to have more reading time so hope to have more to share with you next week. Until then Happy Reading.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Emma Newman's series, but I love those covers that are coming out. I might check them out!
