
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guest Blog by Bec McMaster - I need a hero…

Please welcome Bec McMaster to The Qwillery as part of the 2012 Debut Author Challenge Guest Blogs. Kiss of Steel (London Steampunk 1) will be published on September 4, 2012.

I need a hero…

Everybody has their favourite sort of hero. For some it’s a dashing duke or a dangerous rake, for others it’s a prince in disguise. But for me, it’s always been the diamond in the rough.

From Buffy’s Spike or Derek Craven from Lisa Kleypas’s Dreaming of You or even Disney’s Aladdin, I’ve always had a soft spot for the type of hero who’s had to fight the odds his entire life. He might not be educated. He might not even be literate, but he’s got the kind of street smarts and roguish charm that can win even the most hardened heart, and he’s more than prepared to do it.

When I wrote Kiss of Steel, my hero Blade came into my head fully formed, whispering in my ear with that delicious Cockney accent. Dressed in gaudy velvet waistcoats and defiantly himself, Blade doesn’t give a damn what others think of him. He knows who he is and he’s proud to be that way.

In my steam-fuelled Victorian world, Blade’s master of his own destiny, determined to defy the aristocratic blue blood Echelon who rules London and protect the little ‘family’ he’s managed to form. Alpha enough to rule the rookery of Whitechapel and just ruthless enough to keep it, he’s also hiding a heart of gold beneath that roughened exterior. He has his own dark secrets too. But what hero doesn’t?

Of course, every hero needs a heroine who’s his match, and who better than strait-laced Honoria Todd, on the run from a monster from Blade’s past? She could be his perfect revenge against the Duke of Vickers or his ultimate salvation.

When Honoria comes into his life, Blade’s not looking for love – but when he realises what he feels, he’s going to fight for it, tooth and nail. Not so easy when my heroine had other ideas of course, but that’s all part of the fun. I love a hero who has to work for what he wants.

So tell me… The upright hero just begging to have his hair mussed? The possessive alpha? Or even a self-made workaholic? What’s your favourite hero type – literary or otherwise - and why?


He craves her like no other…

Honoria Todd has no choice. Only in the dreaded Whitechapel district can she escape the long reach of the Duke of Vickers. But seeking refuge there will put her straight into the hands of Blade, legendary master of the rookeries. No one would dare cross him, but what price would he demand to keep her safe?

Ever since Vickers infected him with the craving, Blade has been quicker, stronger, almost immortal—and terrified of losing control of the monster within. Honoria could be his perfect revenge against the duke…or the salvation he never dared to dream of.


To give this a little context, the first time Honoria meets Blade he offers her protection from the dangers of the rookery… for a price. Honoria’s response is to draw her pistol to prove that she’s not without protection:
       There was a blur of movement and something grabbed her from behind. Honoria gasped, the knife a sharp warning against her throat as he drew her back against his hard body. Her chin tipped up and she swallowed hard, the blade hovering directly over her carotid. His arm was a steel band about her waist, hugging her close.

       Blade’s lips brushed her ear. “Still not impressed,” he whispered.

       The fire spat. Her wide eyes took in the room: the cheroot sitting in the ash tray and still smoking: the abandoned cat giving them a disgruntled look from the floor as it turned and sauntered away: and the long stretch of shadow that showed them locked together in a parody of an embrace.

       “Put it down, luv,” he said. “And don’t ever draw on me again unless you intend to use it.”

       Honoria lowered the pistol. “I was proving a point. I didn’t bother to cock it.”

       “Just as I were provin’ my point,” he replied in that husky whisper. His cool breath stirred the curls at her throat, pebbling her damp skin. “Who do you think won?”

       “I may have been... somewhat precipitous,” she admitted.

       His hand slid along hers, closing over her fingers. “Give it to me.”

       No. Honoria shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She forced her fingers to relax. To let him take the smooth weight of the pistol.

       He thumbed open the barrel and examined the shot inside with a soft grunt. “What the bleedin’ devil are you usin’ for rounds?”

       “Firebolts,” she replied. “My father designed them.” And then she shut her mouth. He didn’t need to know anything about her father. It was safer that way.

       Vickers still had a price on her head and who knew what this man would do for that much money?

       Blade snapped the pistol barrel back into place, then tucked it away somewhere on his person. The razor-edge against her throat kept her locked in place. The pressure was perfect. She couldn’t move an inch, but it hadn’t broken the skin either.

       Then suddenly it eased. Honoria took a deeper breath, her head spinning with the sudden rush of oxygen into starved lungs. With the knife gone, other impressions started leeching into her. The hard body imprinted against hers, separated only by the thickness of her bedraggled bustle. The press of his belt buckle, tugging at the fabric of her skirts. And the sound of his breathing, quickening just slightly.

       His arm slid around her waist again. “And now you’re disarmed. And at me mercy. Now what do you do, Miss Todd?”

Kiss of Steel

Kiss of Steel
London Steampunk 1
Sourcebooks, September 4, 2012
Mass Market Paperback and eBook, 448 pages

When Nowhere is Safe

Most people avoid the dreaded Whitecapel district. For Honoria Todd, it's the last safe haven. But at what price?

Blade is known as the master of the rookeries—no one dares cross him. It's been said he faced down the Echelon's army single–handedly, that ever since being infected by the blood–craving he's been quicker, stronger, and almost immortal.

When Honoria shows up at his door, his tenuous control comes close to snapping. She's so...innocent. He doesn't see her backbone of steel—or that she could be the very salvation he's been seeking.

About Bec

Bec McMaster writes romance novels featuring red-hot alpha males, kick-ass heroines and edge-of-your-seat adventures. When not writing, reading, or poring over travel brochures, she loves spending time with her very own hero or daydreaming about new worlds. Her debut steampunk romance, Kiss of Steel, is available Sept, 2012, from Sourcebooks. Read more about her at, or follow her on twitter @BecMcMaster.

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win a copy of Kiss of Steel (London Steampunk 1) from The Qwillery. Please note that the winner will not receive the novel until after it is released in September.

How:  Leave a comment answering Bec's question:

The upright hero just begging to have his hair mussed? The possessive alpha? Or even a self-made workaholic? What’s your favourite hero type – literary or otherwise - and why?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1)   Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2)   Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

There are a total of 3 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry) and Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry).  This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook or Twitter mentions. You MUST leave a way to contact you.

Who and When:  The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 years old or older to enter.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*


  1. Oh, this sounds good!
    As for heroes: I got a soft spot for the bad guy who manages to redeem himself.

    +3 follower, comment, retweeted

    1. Ooh, the bad boy! Another of my fave's!

  2. I agree with Sullivan here, this looks really good. Thank you, Qwill, for featuring this author!

    First, the upright hero does beg to get his hair messed up big time, he's cute! In a see-me-standing-here-all-serious kinda way. I have no real preference when it comes to heroes, as long as they're not the insufferable farmboy-goes-hero type who doesn't understand his powers but manages to save the day every freaking time... *coughRIGHARDRAHLcough* Seriously. Luckily those books have way more cool things going on to get me through, but heroes like them... They almost make you root for the bad guy.

    +1 follower
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    1. It always makes me laugh. With a bad boy we all want to redeem him, but with that upright-serious hero, all we want to do is ruffle him up (:

  3. I love the alpha hero who is growly and possessive but not abusive. I love reading about them, wouldn't want to live with one though, that would get on my nerves. I guess thats why I like reading about them so much, my husbands the opposite plus it gives me the warm fuzzies lol.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    +1 follower
    +2 comment

    1. I love the alpha too Marlene, and I don't mind if he's uber-possessive - except I insist that my heroine has to be able to stand up to him in that situation. but heroines... Heh, thats another blog post!

  4. I like an honorable and smart hero who can laugh at himself and make me laugh. Anything else is just gravy.
    GFC follower: April V.

    1. Good point. Humor is such an important thing in a hero.

  5. I like a lot of different types of heroes: uptight, alpha, beta. As long as they aren't overbearing jerks, I'm a fan!

    +1 comment
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    1. (: As above, I can cope with a jerk as long as the heroines tough enough to tell him how it is.

  6. Hum my favourite type of hero perhaps the alpha one protective, loyal but that still let the heroine do what she wants, even if it's an error, but who he is there for her when she need it ( ex adam from mercy thompson series ( or bones from the night huntress serie)

    +1blog follower


    1. Ooh, i adore Adam - thats exactly the type of alpha I want. I have Jeaniene Frost's series on my TBR, I might have to bump it to the top of the overwhelming pile once these latest edits are done.

  7. Thanks for a great post and congrats on the newest release! I've had such book lust ever since I saw the gorgeous cover! And I'm always looking for new to me steampunk authors :)

    +1 GFC: erin
    +1 comment

    1. I know! I nearly died when i saw the cover. I was like, "Oh, my God, its Paul!"

  8. I like a strong alpha who is a bad*** but who is a softy when you get to know him. Thanks for the chance.

    I am a follower
    sariahwalters at gmail dot com

    1. Seems like the alphas are very popular (:

  9. I like the sarcastic alpha male hero who has a very tortured past.
    GFC Victoria Sloboda

    1. One of the best parts about being an author is torturing those heroes!

  10. I prefer the uptight hero. After all, he can unbend easier than the alpha can become less possessive or the workaholic can work less.

    +1 comment
    +1 GFC follower, human, over 18, and living on Earth (if California counts)
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    ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

    1. All I picture is Colin Firth in Bridget Jones. (:

  11. I like the brooding hero. The hero that has been through the wringer in one way or another but is still redeemable.

    +1 comment
    +1 GFC follower

    1. I agree. Tortured heroes are so much fun to play with.

  12. The posessive alpha makes my toes curl, in a really really good way =) But it all depends on the story, if the hero is written well I will fall in love with him. Like I am already on my way down to seeing hearts when I read about Blade. I love it when they walk around all confident swagger, not caring what people think and knowing they can take or protect what they want to. yum!

    GFC Lexi
    eyesofblueice (at) gmail

    1. Thanks Lexi H! Blade was so much fun to write.

  13. Its too hard to answer with just one type...I'm a lover of ALL MEN!!!
    Fictional of course, I only cheat with the fictional ones!!!

    I love a great alpha, muscle bound, tattooed up, smoldering eyes, big *cough* biceps!!
    But an uptight gentlemen who needs a good...erm, is hair mussing code for spanking?!, yep they're always good to see brought down a peg or two.
    Or what about the silent, broody, mysterious type, with beautiful bedroom eyes?

    Like I said too hard to choose just one type, I'll take them all!!
    But as long as the author has written them with plenty of redeeming characteristics, be they a 'goodie' or a 'baddie' in a story, I fall them regardless. I'm just a hopeless romantic at heart :)

    Great interview, loved the except too

    +1 commenter
    +1 GFC follower (Book Chatter Cath)

    1. Bah ha ha Cath! I have a lot of sexy heroes in my life too, good thing for my man that they're all fictional!

  14. Yummo. Love a brooding military hero. Gruff and grumpy but oh so yummy. Give me an alpha ;)

    +1 comment

    kelly @kelly (no gaps)

    Kelly Ethan

    1. Hi Kellyethan! Thanks for popping by. Another one to vote for the alphas!

  15. The possessive alpha. I like the bad guy hero and I like a guy to be possessive with me. Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber.

    1. Hey Tore, there's something to be said for those possessive heroes for sure!

  16. The bad boy who has learned his lessons. I follow you on FB. My email is jochibi at yahoo Dot com

    1. Part of the fun is watching him learn!

  17. Can we kind of mix them all together. I like the alpha hero that likes to protect, but he needs to be able to be a little flexable.


    bacchus76 at myself dot com

    1. One part alpha, one part bad boy, a dash of the best friend... It's like a sexy recipe for a hero.

  18. My favourite hero type is the possessive alpha because I love their dominant ways in all aspects of their life and love.

    +1 Comment
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    1. Hi *yadkny*, thanks for popping by. i think its a resounding vote for the possessive alpha.

  19. I don't mind my heroes a little uptight. I long to watch them become more. Personal growth.

    GFC: Mary Preston


  20. Thanks for coming Marybelle. That personal growth is what makes a hero - no matter what type he is.

  21. From the list above, it would probably be the alpha but in general, I like the hero who overcomes terrors/tortures from his past who starts off as a loner but comes through in the end by stepping out of his comfort zone. I love the tortured soul.
    +1 comment
    +1 follower RSS and GFC: Caitlin Rahm
    katerahm at gmail dot com

  22. Personally I love a wise-cracking hero who does the right thing because it's the right thing! I'm not a fan of moody guys in real life... :-)

    GFC follower: Mel S

  23. Can I say all of the above? Okay, if I have to choose one, I'd say the upright hero because it's so much fun to see them harassed by a woman who enjoys giving them a hard time. And to watch them learn to loosen up a bit. :D

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com
    GFC: Barbara E.

  24. It really depends on how well the author has created the character. I've read various books with different types of heroes; some which I absolutely fell in love with & in a different book felt totally no connection to the hero at all. I have to admit I have a preference for the dutiful, honorable type of hero. It's so delicious when they try (& fail!) to fight their feelings for the heroine.

    +3: comment, follower, tweeted:

  25. I want the possessive alpha any day of the week- they are just the best. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  26. The possessive alpha

    I follow the blog.


  27. Personally in my own hero tastes, I actually love my hero to have some complication in him, not to mention a wicked mixture of a bit of everything - including being the upright, possessive and a self-made workaholic male. It's more fun that way I reckon! But most importantly I love my heroes to have a sensitive side too, where his leading lady slowly opens him up bit by bit despite his attempts in being the strong alpha male . . . it's just something I look for in every romance.

    GFC follower: Erin W.

  28. I love the strong, silent type of hero. There's always something really appealing about them.

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