
Sunday, October 02, 2011

Many winners! - October 2, 2011

Lots of winners!

5 copies of Must Love Lycans (Broken Heart 8) by Michele Bardsley

The Question: What is your favorite paranormal being?

1.  Amy who said...
I love the Broken Heart series.

My favorite paranormal being is a vampire. I think it is because of the old vampire movies I use to sneak and watch as a kid. Then I feel in love with the books about them. I love all paranormal beings but I am a sucker for a vampire. LOL :)

2.  Eli Yanti who said...
paranormal being i loved : fairies (ash - iron king is my fav, knife and many more), vampires (edward cullen, viper, styx, layel), werewolf (jacob), nymph (nymph king - gena showalter), dragons and angels.

3.  wanda f who said...
My favorite being is werewolves .\Michele I love your Broken Hearts series Ive read all of the previous books and cant wait to read Must Love Lycans .Its my most wanted to get book of the year .

4.  Megan@Riverina Romantics said...
I'm a vampire groupie!

5.  JoAnna who said...
I love shifters, cat shifters are my favorite!


Paradise 21 (New Dawn 1) (e-book) by Aubrie Dionne

The Question: Do you listen to music when you write? Does the music affect how or what you write?? or if you don't write - Do you listen to music when you read?

Denise Z who said...
I listen to music when I do not have to concentrate on anything else. I love it and my toes tap, my body moves, and I will belt it out with the best of them. When I listen to music I cannot write or work, but I can read albeit with some toe tapping going on:) Thank you for sharing today. I would love to read Paradise 21 and appreciate the giveaway opportunity.


The Savage Knight (Malory's Knights of Albion) by Paul Lewis (3 copies)

The Question: Arthur or Lancelot?

1.  Krystal who said...
I was never a huge fan of either one, but I supposed I'll choose Arthur.

2.  booklover0226 who said...
Between the two, I must choose Arthur; he was devoted and dedicated to his clause.

(side note - my favorite is Gawain!)

3.  Barbara E. who said...
I'd have to go with Arthur, he's definitely the man. Savage Knight sounds very intriguing and I'm looking forward to checking it out.


Shadow Kin (Half-Light City 1) by M.J. Scott

The Question:  Light or Dark?

Lieder Madchen who said...
Definitely dark for me! I am a total night owl and I melt in the sun. :)

Thank you for the great interview and giveaway, I have to read this book!


Stone Cold Seduction (Set in Stone 1) (e-book) by Jess Macallan

The Question: Gargoyles or Elves?

RachaelM who said...
I would have to say gargoyles. In the last few months I have seen many books featuring gargoyles and they all look very interesting.


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Question: If you could work at a circus, what would you like to do?

Angie who said...
This sounds so good! Putting it on my TBR list. If I were in the circus - animal trainer, but probably not the big cats. Maybe monkeys or something.


Choice of e-book of Blood of the Demon (Demons of Infernum 1) or Mark of the Sylph (Demons of Infernum 2) by Rosalie Lario

The Question: Greek or Egyptian Mythology or both?

June M. who said...
I have read quite a bit of Greek mythology but right now I can't think of much Egyptian mythology that I have read. I will have to look into it.
These books have been on my wish list for a while now. I would LOVE to win a copy of the first book BLOOD OF DEMON.


Choice of Deadtown, Hellforged or Bloodstone by Nancy Holzner

The Question:  If you were a demon slayer what sort of paranormal/supernatural being would be your sidekick?

erin who said...
I love, love, love thi series! I can't wait for and desperately want, Bloodstone :)

If I had a sidekick, I'd want it to be a shapeshifter who is very strong and fast to protect me! :)

Thanks for the great post and giveaway!


Spellwright by Blake Charlton (2 signed copies of the Mass Market Paperback)  US Mailing Addresses Only!

The Question: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Epic Fantasy or all three?

1. Blissfulrains who said...
Epic fantasy! (:

2. RachaelM who said...
I like all three, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Epic Fantasy but my favorite seems to be Urban Fantasy. I love a good fantasy book to lose myself in and forget my troubles for a while. Thanks for the giveaway.


Winners have been notified and have until 11:59 PM US Eastern Time on Sunday, October 9, 2011 to respond or The Qwillery will very randomly choose a new winner or winners.

Thank you to everyone who participated.


  1. congrats to all. i didnt win this time but who knows maybe next time haha

  2. Oh wow! Thanks sooo much Quill and Nancy! I so very excited to be able to get this book and I can't wait to start it! Congrats to all the other winners!

  3. that's a lot of winners! Congrats everyone!

  4. Thanks so much! And congrats to all the winners!

  5. WOOOT! Thank you so very much and congratulations to all the winners as well :)

  6. This is fantastic! Thanks! Congrats to the other winners!

  7. Thank you for the book; I can't wait to read it.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Tracey D

  8. Thanks so much! Can't wait to start on it. :)
