
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Interview with Teresa Frohock and Giveaway - July 20, 2011

Please welcome Teresa Frohock to The Qwillery as part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge Interviews.

TQ:  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Teresa:  I write in stages. I start with a coarse first draft that consists of little more than stage direction, then I go back through and add the emotion and the personality traits that belong to the characters. It's kind of like creating a pencil sketch, then filling it in with color. It's a grooming process that doesn't end until the last chapter is written.

Each time I read the manuscript, I eliminate any superfluous phrases or information that doesn't pertain to the mood that I'm trying to convey to the reader. I feel like every sentence has to be there for a reason, and if I'm not carrying the story forward, then I usually wind up taking the sentence or scene away.

I'm never worried, because if I don't include enough information for the reader, my critique group or my agent will ask for more.

TQ:  Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Teresa:  Edgar Allan Poe, first, foremost, and forever. I love his writing and his economical use of language. H.P. Lovecraft next, because of his use of mood. I also have been deeply influenced by Patricia McKillip's novels. Her ability to render a fairy tale and make it so pertinent to adults is remarkable.

TQ:  Are you a plotter or a pantster?

Teresa:  I sit on the fence here, but I lean heavily toward plotting. I have to. I can't imagine taking any trip without some kind of road map that outlines the journey.

When I begin a novel, I have to research it, plan my characters through biographies, and create a scene synopsis. I generally have three to five scenes that I know must take place in the novel, then I write chapters to bridge those scenes. I'm plotting the entire time and watching for signs that I have too many characters for the reader to keep up with comfortably or if the story isn't moving in a smooth arc.

When I edit, I watch every sentence I write, because I try to keep my reader in mind. I'm fashioning the story for other people to enjoy, so I have to be very conscious of my own clarity.

TQ:  Describe Miserere in 140 characters or less.

Teresa:  A really good book that you will enjoy. ;-)

Kidding! Ahem. Here we go:

Man betrays lover, flees his sister, and seeks redemption through love and exorcism.

TQ:  What inspired you to write Miserere?

Teresa:  Well, I wanted to write a novel about redemption, and I think things got slightly out of hand. Miserere started as a YA novel, but when I couldn't connect with my young protagonist, I realized that it was really an adult novel. Then I think I went a little crazy.

It was amazing how that subtle shift (from YA to adult themes) freed me to bring out the complexities of adult relationships. The deeper I delved into what made Lucian, Catarina, and Rachael intertwined in their poisoned relationships, the more fascinated I became by the characters. Then it became incredibly difficult to keep Lindsay from looking like a cardboard character.

TQ:  What sort of research did you do to create the world of Miserere?

Teresa:  I researched a lot into the Medieval church and Eastern Orthodox texts. I also studied demonology and Christian and Jewish philosophies on exorcism. All of this was so incredibly fascinating, I wish there was some way I could have gotten all the information into Miserere, but that wouldn't have been interesting to my reader.

TQ:  Without giving anything away, what is/are your favorite scene(s) in Miserere?

Teresa:  The exorcism. I loved writing it. It was like watching a movie in head and translating it to the page.

TQ:  In Miserere, who was the most difficult character to write and why? The easiest and why?

Teresa:  Catarina. I didn't want her to come across as a stock villain, but at the same time, I didn't want to excuse her actions by giving her the proverbial "bad childhood" or abuse-excuse. She's just evil, pure and simple. She is full of envy and hate and she doesn't want to be different. Personally, I'm sick to death of trying to understand a villain's motives. Some people are just born evil.

Catarina is one, but it was very hard to express this on the page.

Lucian, on the other hand, was very easy to write. Lucian spoke to me from day one, and his scenes usually flowed without difficulty. It was really hard being nasty to him, but I overcame that.

TQ:  How many books are planned for the series?

Teresa:  Four books, including Miserere. I have one for each season. Dolorosa will be a Winter's Dream, Bellum Dei will take place in the spring, and the fourth book is untitled as yet, but odds are 3-1 that it will be Latin. Seriously, book 4 of the Katharoi is still in the planning stages, and I have a rough idea of what I want to do, but no synopsis yet. Books 2 and 3 (Dolorosa and Bellum Dei) both have synopses.

TQ:  What's next?

Teresa:  What I'm working on right now is a novel entitled The Garden. It is set on the Iberian Peninsula in the summer of 1348 and is the story of Guillermo Ramírez, a blacksmith conscripted into the King's army, who takes refuge in the ruined garden of an abandoned monastery only to find himself among magical creatures. An ancient daimon has trapped other men in the garden and forces them to build a temple from which she draws strength. She will break the barrier between her land of fey and the world of men unless Guillermo can solve the mystery of his past so he can forge the key that will lock Urraca from humanity forever.

TQ:  Thank you for joining us at The Qwillery

Teresa:  And thank you so much for hosting me, Sally! It's been a pleasure.

About Miserere

Miserere: An Autumn Tale
Katharoi 1
(Night Shade Books, July 1 2011)
Exiled exorcist Lucian Negru deserted his lover in Hell in exchange for saving his sister Catarina's soul, but Catarina doesn't want salvation. She wants Lucian to help her fulfill her dark covenant with the Fallen Angels by using his power to open the Hell Gates. Catarina intends to lead the Fallen's hordes out of Hell and into the parallel dimension of Woerld, Heaven's frontline of defense between Earth and Hell.

When Lucian refuses to help his sister, she imprisons and cripples him, but Lucian learns that Rachael, the lover he betrayed and abandoned in Hell, is dying from a demonic possession. Determined to rescue Rachael from the demon he unleashed on her soul, Lucian flees his sister, but Catarina's wrath isn't so easy to escape.

In the end, she will force him once more to choose between losing Rachael or opening the Hell Gates so the Fallen's hordes may overrun Earth, their last obstacle before reaching Heaven's Gates.

Amazon : B&N : Book Depository

Read the first four chapters of Miserere FREE by clicking here. (PDF Format)

About Teresa

Raised in a small town, Teresa Frohock learned to escape to other worlds through the fiction collection of her local library. She eventually moved away from Reidsville and lived in Virginia and South Carolina before returning to North Carolina, where she currently resides with her husband and daughter.

Teresa has long been accused of telling stories, which is a southern colloquialism for lying. Miserere: An Autumn Tale is her debut novel.

Teresa can be found most often at her blog and website Every now and then, she heads over to Tumblr and sends out Dark Thoughts, links to movies and reviews that catch her eye. You can also follow Teresa on Twitter and join her author page on Facebook

The Giveaway


What:  One commenter will win a copy of Miserere: An Autumn Tale generously provided by Night Shade Books.

How:  Leave a comment answering the following question:

What is your favorite season?

Please remember - if you don't answer the question your entry will not be counted.

You may receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

Who and When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Wednesday, July 27, 2011. Void where prohibited by law.

*Giveaway rules are subject to change.*

Check out some previous interviews with Teresa:

All Things Books

Down at Lucky Town with Alex Bledsoe

Layers of Thought


The Written Connection


  1. This seems like a reaaly cool novel. Thanks for the interview!

    My favourite season must be Spring, with all the flowers blossoming and stuff. But in general, I quite like all seasons, they each have their up- and downsides to them :-)

    +1 Follower


    ps: In one of the previous giveaways I entered a +1 for facebook, but that one was a mistake, so please ignore that :)

  2. The cover is amazing! I've been looking at this book for a month already. ow it definitely goes into my TBR pile.
    My favorite season is spring. I love that everything is flowering and comes back to life.
    +1 follower

  3. Autumn is my favouritest season and it seems to be the shortest too :( ...other than the wonderful colors, it's when trees usually bear fruits. It's not so cold and it's not so hot...lovely season!! :)

    Cherry Mischievous
    cherrymischif-soldier [at] yahoo [dot] com

  4. Follower. My GFC name is Cherry.




    Mention on sidebar at:

    Cherry Mischievous
    cherrymischif-soldier [at] yahoo [dot] com

  5. My favorite season is Fall, I love the beautiful leaves and how I can rake them and then have a leaf fight -.- GFC Krystal Larson facebooked edysicecreamlover18@gmail.DOTcom Thank you!

  6. Mark me down for loving Autumn most: It's cooler... it's beautiful... it's bountiful... is it here yet? :)

    (comment, follower, retweeted)

  7. My favourite season is winter!
    I love snow and ice. sadly enough there are more winters without snow than with snow over here.

    +1 follower
    +1 twitter (!/SullivanMcPig)
    = 3

    (international entry, so only include me if it is indeed international)

  8. My favorite season is fall.

    zombvampire (at) gmail {•] com

  9. My favorite season is Spring.
    +1 folower

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  10. My favorite season is Spring and Summer. I love when the flowers start coming up again and the trees blossom. Its beautiful and I love wearing less clothes. Please enter me in contest.

  11. This looks really good! I had not known about the release, but looks right up my read.
    My favorite season is Fall, as the cool crisp weather starts and the chantrelles are popping up here.

    GFC Teril
    terilhack at yahoo dot com

  12. That is a fabulous cover! The book sounds awesome I cannot wait. Thank you for the post.
    I love winter since I love to ski. We take all of the kids and hit the slopes when we are not in school or at work.

    kasuranna at yahoo dot com

  13. I really like the cover!
    My favourite season is Spring. It's not too hot and not too cold. The weather is mild and sometimes flowers are already blooming! It's the end of a winter storm and the beginning of a scorching summer.

    GFC follower

  14. I love Autumn. The cool, crisp mornings & warm days.

    Great giveaway thank you. The book looks amazing.

    +1 GFC: Mary Preston


  15. My favorite season is Fall. Don't need a jacket, but you do need long sleaves. The colors are gorgeous. Soccer season starts... haha

    I am also a follower :)

    And I have added this to my TBR list, so I hope I win, but if I don't... oh well.

    Congrats on the book!

  16. I live in the tropics & don't experience the 4 seasons. It's either hot ....or hot!

    I like the idea of spring with all the flowers & autumn too for the colorful leaves.

  17. My favorite season is the Fall, it is not too hot and not too cold and the leaves turn pretty color, at least they do where I live now:) We get to have Halloween and Thanksgiving the Fall rocks. I have been semi stalking this book and I think it sounds great. Thank you for the interview today and the opportunity to win a copy.


    +1 follower

  18. Great Interview.

    I plan on getting the book. I think Teresa has some very good insights and I enjoyed learning.

    Like one of your other commenters, I also think that the cover is excellent and will draw some readers on its own.

    BTW...I live in LA. We only have one season;) But, I think I like Spring when on occasion I get to experience a spring shower.

  19. Definitely fall. Even before I got married, and had my daughter both in that season.
    I'm a gfc follower.


  20. The book sounds very interesting. Autumn has been my favorite season for quite some time. I love the violent change, the crisp air, the wind blowing the leaves off the trees, and, of course, Halloween.

  21. A very interesting cover for what seems to be a very interesting book :)

    thanks for the interview and the giveaway!

    +1 Follower


  22. My favorite season is Summer because I like warm weather -- going to the beach, etc.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  23. I am a public follower of yours on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
    digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  24. My favorite season is either spring or fall. I love the feeling of renewal in spring but fall has better food ;)

    I enjoyed the sample of the book that was online a little bit ago and am eager to read the rest!

  25. oops...forgot to leave contact info!
    ssosborn at gmail dot com

  26. My favorite has to be Autumn. It's great here in Georgia.

    Lannister82 at yahoo dot com

  27. Autumn is by far my favorite season.

  28. Oh most definitely winter. Lots of layers, but no allergy problems.

  29. This looks like a fabulous book.

    I live in Arizona where we have two seasons - summer and hell. I really, really miss autumn and the turning of the leaves, the smell of bonfires, roasting marshmallows. But I'm not sure that I would trade it for summer. Summer is my favorite season!

  30. Autumn is my favorite season. Not too humid, not too dark, lots of gentle rain rather than raging storms and tornado warnings, whatever I am allergic too stops blooming...:)

  31. My favorite season is winter, especially now that I live somewhere with snow. I find a kind of stark beauty in winter that's covered up with the leaves and heat and bugs of other seasons.

  32. My favorite season is fall. I was born in the fall. I especially appreciate fall now that I live somewhere the trees turn color.
    Halloween, pumpkins, hot apple cider, leaves everywhere. What's not to like?

  33. Spring is my favorite season- always new life, new hope, a real freshness of the soul.

    And I don't have to shovel anymore %^*^%^ snow!

  34. That looks quite interesting. :)

    And my favourite season is autumn: warm colours and milder temperatures, it's the perfect time for photography.

  35. I've always loved Winter, but only if it snows. I like cold, but I need snow to make it complete.

    +1 follower


    3point1415926535 {at} gmail {dot} com

  36. Fall, it seems to last longer than Spring, and is a relief after a hot summer.

    Looks like an interesting read!

  37. Sounds like a good book.

    My favorite season is fall. I love the change in the colors and cool breeze. It's a great way to end the heat of summer for me.

    jonmierow at

  38. Terrific interview. Personally, my favorite season is spring.

    FatesTwists AT yahoo DOT com

  39. What is your favorite season?

    Fall - I would pick spring, but it comes with Spring Cleaning!

    kolists a\t gmail dt com

  40. My favorite season is summer because I was born in July and I prefer the hot weather.

  41. Autumn, always autumn.

    itsdamotion (at)

  42. Winter.

    Because I love winter clothing. The overcoats, the sweaters, the cute boots.

    Pure vanity, on my part.

  43. Fall. Fall when it is just turning to Winter. I love the grays.

  44. Hi there,

    My favorite season is SPRING! I love it when all of the flowers are blooming. Spring shakes off the winter blahs and opens the doors to many new possibilities.

    Your book looks very interesting, sounds like a great read!


  45. Spring is my favorite season. It is always so good to have nice weather and get back outside after all the snow and ice in we get during winter.

  46. Autumn, always. The mells, the colors, the holidays. October is ny favorite month (birtday not then!:))

    Email subscriber

    Facebook follower -

  47. Fall has always been my favorite season. Earlier in my life, I liked it because that's when the school year started. Now I like it because that's when publishers release the most new books.


  48. The book sounds awesome, I'd love to be able to read it.

    I like summer the best, mostly because I like the heat. Too many Wisconsin winters dose that to ya.


    +1 for follower

    jason [at] jasonkivela [dot] com

  49. My favorite season is Fall. You have warm days with cooler days plus the kids go back to school! I am looking forward to reading this novel. Thank you for the interview and preview. Cool book trailer.

  50. I like Spring, but I love Autumn. It can contain an Indian Summer, but it also can be cool & breezy. And for atmosphere, it can cause chills, and is a perfect time of year for gothic tales, as well as stories of horror.

  51. Fall is my favorite season by far!!
    Can't wait to read the new book!

  52. My favorite season is fall. I can't stand the high temps of summer. I do enjoy the cold temps of winter, but not once they drop far below zero. The 50s & 60s of Fall are perfect! And who doesn't love the turning of the leaves?

  53. Your book looks great!

    My favorite season is autumn. I love the feel and smell of it, and how everything is starting to cool for winter.

  54. My favorite season is Winter. I love the cold snap in the air and the crispness as well as dark grey brooding rain clouds enclosing the sky.

    Fantastic sounding hook for a book btw!

  55. Winter. Give me an excuse to stay inside and light a fire any day!

    Thanks for the interview, book looks excellent. I'm keen to read it!

    +1 follower - philip dot hunn at gmail dot com.

  56. The book looks very interesting and I loved the trailer. My favorite season is fall - beautiful scenery and not too hot.
    +1 follower

  57. My favorite season is Spring. Even though other seasons are great, after 7 feet of snow for 6 months, spring brings color to once a pale world. Those times when the snow gives you a peek of the brown grass, even this is a welcoming tease to what may come.

  58. Has to be Fall, with Hockey, World Series, Football and Halloween. I love the fact she uses the history of the Churches for the book

  59. I do love a giveaway!

    My favourite season is Autumn or Fall as North Americans say. I like Winter second best and I like Autumn because it's Winter but not quite as cold!

    I've also followed the blog!

    You can reach me at nick (dot) melchior (at) gmail (dot) com

  60. My favorite season is Autumn. The weather is perfect, and the colors are gorgeous. :)

    This novel looks amazing! One way or another, I need to read it. I can be reached at maggie.brashier[at]gmail[dot]com. :)

  61. Without a doubt Autumn is my favorite season. As a kid, with a June birthday, summer was my favorite season because I was on summer vacation and it was my birthday. Now summer is hot and miserable and I have to work. I used to try to take my birthday off but after three years of nothing but misery on those days off I take time off in the fall.

    Brian Hiebert

  62. I enjoy heading about an authors inner process. Thank you for a little insight into the way she works.

    Thought I'm a child of summer I love the cold ; my favprite season is winter. I find snow seems as purifing as fire.

  63. I like winter. The darkness and the cold actually bring a warmth with them that is easy to fall into.

  64. Winter is my favorite season. I love having a white Christmas. I like the snow and cold! It is also when I suffer least from my allergies!!!

  65. My favourite season is summer, with its "glorious bee-fried days," as Ray Bradbury said.

  66. I love the spring, with the warming weather and blooming flowers. Everything is starting to look beautiful.

    I am a follower.


  67. Looks like an interesting read.
    My favorite season is Fall, warm days and cool nights.

  68. It depends where I am. I currently live in Florida, so my favorite seasons are winter or spring. In California, I like spring. In England: doesn't matter; love that place all that time.

  69. The book is on my list. My favourite season Spring..the end of Winters dark call and the predecessor to too hot Summer.

  70. I like autumn, cool weather with lower pollen count.

    Book seems interesting!

  71. Winter. Complete with snow, quiet, fireplaces, hot coffee and books.
