
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Roil by Trent Jamieson - Cover - March 5, 2011

Trent Jamieson posted the cover for Roil on his site yesterday, well actually today since he's on the other side of the world from The Qwillery. Roil will be published on August 30, 2011 in the US/Canada and September 1, 2011 in the UK.

Shale is in trouble – the creature-infested darkness know as the Roil is expanding, consuming the land and swallowing up whole cities.

Where once there were 12 metropolises, now only 4 remain, and their borders are being threatened by the growing cloud of darkness. The only way to hold back the darkness and the horrific creatures that inhabit it are the cities huge ice canons. But one by one the defences are failing. And the Roil continues to grow.

With the land in chaos, it’s up to a drug addict, an old man and a woman intent on revenge to try to save their city – and the world.

FILE UNDER: Steampunk [ Ice Canons | Clockwork Tech | Holding back the Tide | Unreliable Heroes ]

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