
Friday, December 10, 2010

Photo Friday - Festival of Lights & Snow - December 10, 2010

Chanukah came and went early this year, starting on December 1, 2010 and ending at sunset on December 9, 2010. One of my presents (thanks, Dad) was a new Point and Shoot camera. I did some research and decided on the Nikon S8100, which Nikon categorizes as a "compact digital camera." Most of my cameras are Nikons with 3 exceptions: a Rolleiflex, a Horizont panorama camera, and my first SLR - a Kowa SET R2. With the advent of DSLRs though I rarely use the other cameras.

This week I did take some photos with the S8100. I really like this camera. It's feature rich and has great optics. We have special glasses that we use to look at the Chanukah candles after they are lit. They make it appear that there is a dreidel, snowflake, or Star of David around the flame. I've never been able to catch it with a camera until now.

It snowed on Monday, which delayed school for 90 minutes. It was just a little storm, but it was very pretty.


  1. So pretty! I love the star & dreidel effect. And the snow pictures!!! Makes me miss living in Utah (...Gratest Snow on Earth! Or so claims the state motto and license plates! LOL)
    Of course, the snow I am missing is not the "I have to shovel &/or drive in it" snow. Nope, I'm missing the "I'll just curl up here on the sofa by the fire, with my hot cocoa and a good book, and look out the window at the snow" snow. :D

  2. THese are such beautiful pics!!
    I wish I was able to see snow as often as this!!
    It's so pretty!!
