
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Some Winners (Not Blogversary) - November 13, 2010

Blogversary Giveaway Winners will be announced next week! Here are all the other giveaway winners:

Grave Witch by Kalyana Price goes to yllektra who said:

"Hmm, If I really had the ability to talk to one deceased author, I think it would be... Jane Austen.. I know I am such a cliche, but even though I mostly read Crime Fiction and Urban Fantasy now, books like Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion are among the first that made me love reading! :)."


Crafty Giveaway winner is Linda Henderson who said:

"I enjoy making ornaments out of yarn and adding clothes and accessories. I've been making them for years and I give them to people for Christmas."


AlphaOops!: H is for Halloween Giveaway is Melanie who said:

"Favorite Halloween candy? Kit Kat bars! Love them! :D"


Zoe Archer Blades of the Rose Giveaway winner is Jami Gold who said:

"I'd love to visit lots of places, but Japan (and much of Asia for that matter) stands out as an "exotic" destination."

The winners have been notified via email and have until Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time to respond or The Qwillery will randomly choose a new winner or winners.

Thank you to everyone who participated!


  1. Thank you so much for the Zoe Archer giveaway! Squee! I can't wait.

  2. Thank you!!! I replied to your email. :)

  3. Oh, I saw your email!
    Thanks so much!!
    I am so happy I won!!
    and congrats to all the winners!

  4. Congrats to all the winners! :) Hope you all enjoy everything.
