
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blogversary Giveaways - Winners - November 17, 2010

Here are the winners of the Blogversary Giveaways. Winners are listed in the order they were chosen. As stated in the Blogversary Giveaway post:
The first commenter chosen will get his/her first choice, the second commenter chosen will get the highest of his/her choices that has not been given away, etc. until all 4 giveaways have been given away.

First:  Wenj - New York Comic Con Giveaway
1. Comic Con giveaway
2. Shifter giveaway
3. vampire giveaway
4. zombie giveaway

Seond:  Fi-Chan - Zombie Giveaway
1. New York Comic Con
2. Zombie Giveaway
2. Were/Shifter Giveaway
4. Vampire Giveaway

Third:  Teawench - Were/Shifter Giveaway
1. Comic Con
2. Zombie
3. Were
4. Vampire

Fourth:  Book Junkies - Vampire Giveaway
1) Shifter
2) Vamp
3) Comic Con
4) Zombie

The winners have been notified by email and have until 11:59 PM Eastern Time on November 24, 2010 to respond or The Qwillery will randomly choose a new winner for that giveaway.

I would like to thank everyone for participating in the Blogversary Giveaways and for reading The Qwillery! I'm already planning for The Qwillery's next Blogvesary.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much :) This is a wonderful way to start my birthday *hugs*

    Wenj @ Black Lagoon Reviews
