
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Halloween Cemetery - October 30, 2010

Here is a peek at the initial set up of this year's Halloween Cemetery. We expanded it this year. I can say right off the bat (get it? "bat") it needs more bones and more light. The webs needs to be worked on a bit too, though it does have a sort of fog hovering over the graves look. There is creepy music too. And maybe it needs some bats.

That's Dead Fred in the middle.

Larry, Mo & Curly

The entire cemetery

With the blue strobe.

The Grim Reaper

I'll take more pictures tomorrow, after it's in final form.


  1. That is very, very cool. I don't see things like that in England (Halloween as a 'fun' holiday is gaining in popularity, but is seen as just further Americanisation for the most part) - It looks super creepy - Looking forward to the completed photos!

  2. Oh wow! That is so neat. Love the night picture with the blue light. So cool. Did you have great creepy music too? Cool. We might have to try this some year, now that the kids is older. He was always so scared at Halloween in years past, but now he is past it. Hope you had a great time!
