
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Interview with Erin Kellison and Giveaway

The Qwillery is delighted to have Erin Kellison as our guest today. Erin's debut novel, Shadow Bound, was published on June 29. 2010.

TQ:  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Erin:  Writing quirk… hmmm… Malt vinegar chips fuel my creativity. Peanut M&Ms also work.

TQ:  Who are some of your favorite writers? and who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Erin:  I have a distinct gothic bent, so thematically, Jane Eyre really influenced me. I read it in 6th grade and have re-read it a bunch of times since then. A few of my more modern favorites have been Patricia Briggs, Lois McMaster Bujold, Juliet Marillier, Jacqueline Carey, Robin McKinley, Karen Marie Moning, Kresley Cole, J.R. Ward, Nalini Singh, Jayne Ann Krentz. There are so many, I could go on and on.

TQ:  What inspired you to write your first novel?

Erin:  Shadow Bound is my second complete manuscript. My first manuscript was written with my sister. She called me up one day and said “on a whim” let’s write a book. It took us five years. I learned a tremendous amount and had a great time with my sister.

TQ:  How many books are planned for the series?

Erin:  Four right now. :) Book three will be called Shadowman and focuses on Shadowman and Kathleen from Shadow Bound.

TQ:  Who would pick to play Adam Thorne and Talia O'Brien in a movie or TV series?

Erin:  Fun question. I have always pictured Christian Bale as Adam Thorne. He is great at playing a tortured hero. And for Talia, how about Kristin Bell? She’s got the look and she can also do the tortured thing, like she did on Heroes.

TQ:  Do you and Talia have anything in common?

Erin: Yes. I started Shadow Bound after I finished my masters in Anthropology. Talia is just finishing her PhD. We both have more introverted natures, but she comes out of her shell a bit more than me. I can scream pretty dang loud too, but Death never shows up when I do. :)

TQ: Why wraiths?

Erin: Shadow Bound’s world building has a lot to do with life and death. Wraiths were a kind of experiment. I wondered if the most selfless act is to give up your life, the most selfish act would be to give up your death, and in so doing, become immortal. My monsters, then, had to be so self-centered that they would do anything to achieve that end. And if they wanted to sustain a semblance of humanity, they had to feed on the souls of other people. The fact that they have a corporeal body put them, for me, in the category of wraiths.

TQ: What's next?

Erin: I am looking forward with great anticipation to the release of the second book in my Shadow series, Shadow Fall, which comes out July 27.


Custo Santovari accepted pain, blood, even death, to save his best friend. But a man with all his sins just isn't cut out to be an angel.


One moment he's fleeing Heaven; the next, he's waking up stark naked in Manhattan. In the middle of a war. Called there by a woman who's desperately afraid of the dark.


It gathers around Annabella as she performs, filled with fantastic images of another world, bringing both a golden hero and a nightmare lover.


He pursues her relentlessly, twisting her desires even as she gives herself to the man she loves. Because each of us has a wild side, and Annabella is about to unleash the beast.

TQ: Thank you!

You can find Erin at her website, on Twitter and on Facebook.

The Goodies:

One commenter will win a copy of Shadow Bound and the Flyaway necklace.

Shadow Bound


Some people will do anything to avoid it. Even trade their immortal souls for endless existence.


Secretly, inexorably, they are infiltrating our world, sucking the essence out of unsuspecting victims with their hideous parody of a kiss.


Adam Thorne founded the Segue Institute to study and destroy his monster of a brother, but the key to its success is held in the pale, slender hand of a woman on the run. There is something hauntingly different about Talia O’Brien, her unknowing sensuality, her uncanny way of slipping into Shadow.


This is the place between life and what comes after—a dark forest of fantasy, filled with beauty, peril, mystery. And Talia is about to open the door.


A monocle is suspended from sterling silver beads, kyanite, and an art nouveau pewter Dragonfly, all hanging from silver plate chain. Tourmalated quartz hides within the chain. a large art nouveau angel wing completes the look.  24"

[Photo and description courtesy of Cemetery Cat Jewelry]
To have a chance to win Shadow Bound and Flyaway leave a comment telling The Qwillery what you would like to avoid.

If you tweet the contest, we’ll give you another entry for the tweet as well. You can tweet as much as you like, but it only counts once. If you also mention the contest on Facebook, we’ll give you another entry. You can mention it on Facebook a zillion times, but you only get one extra entry. You can also mention the contest on your blog (it must be your blog) to get another entry. If you are a follower of The Qwillery you get another entry. You can get a maximum of 5 entries (comment, tweet, FB mention, blog mention, Follower). Provide us a link in the comments so we know that you tweeted or Facebooked or blogged. Please leave The Qwillery a way to contact you.

The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.


  1. I didn’t know you had a masters in Anthropology!! That’s so cool, Erin. You're a woman of many facets!

    Congrats on Shadow Bounds release. I loved it! Can’t wait to get my hands on Shadow Fall. It sounds great too.

  2. As horrible as it may sounds I like to avoid my family. I do not have a great relationship with my mom.

    I am a follower.


    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  3. What would I like to avoid? Well, death would definitely be among them, and scary wraiths. I'd also like to avoid really high places, because I get creeped out imagining myself falling.
    I'm looking forward to reading Shadow Bound.

    I'm a GFC follower.

  4. I would like to avoid Money Problems Which keep Atacking me Left and right.
    +1 Follower
    +1 Blog about this on my myspace here is the link to my myspace


  5. I live in AZ. It's 111 out there right now. Been 75+ days without rain. I'd really like to avoid the sun, but it is everywhere!!!

    Thanks everyone for commenting. I hope you enjoy Shadow Bound!

  6. I think Dakota Fanning will make an excellent Tania in a couple of years.

    I LOVED Shadow Bound and can't wait for Shadow Fall, too!

    I would like to avoid drama. I am allergic to drama. Well, all drama that isn't fictional. That, I love.

    Tweeted @amberscottbooks
    facebooked authorAmberScott

  7. The things I'd like to avoid (but can't!) are: mosquitoes, the heat and humidity, & family dramas!! The book looks excellent, it has such an eye-catching cover. Can't wait to read it.

    I follow on gfc

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  8. I would really like to avoid this morning sickness. since it's not coming only in the morning...but almost in whole day :(

    +1 An old follower

    +1 i tweeted :

    +1 posted on fb :

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  9. Right now I'd have to say I like to avoid filling out job applications. So depressingly futile....

    cass at feministdracona dot net

  10. I would like to avoid moments of great sadness.

    Thank you for the interesting interview and for making this awesome giveaway intrenational!:)

    I'm an old blog follower.

    Giada M.

    fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Great post Erin!

    I would like to avoid the IRS.... for a little while longer. thank the gods for extensions. LOL

    I am a follower. I love LOVE love the necklace and I haven't gotten a chance to read Erin's book yet so it would be good to have a copy of my very own!


  12. oh geez that isn't even my email address.

    racoo.smith at Sorry Qwill. LOL

  13. Thanks to everyone who has commented (so far).

    I would like to avoid laundry. It is evil incarnate and multiplies constantly. ;)

  14. I try to avoid illness, because I don't want to get my baby sick. Um, it also sucks to be sick.
    I'm a follower.
    shared on fb-!/profile.php?id=1625972197&v=wall&story_fbid=133615870005057&ref=mf
    and twitter-


  15. I would like to avoid anything that causes stress (money problems, illness, drama, bad relationships, etc.)

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  16. Great interview. I have this book on my list to read. :) I would love to enter for the giveaway. :) Thank you!

    What would I like to avoid... Hmmm, this is a hard one. I'm not sure what I would avoid. I was going to say conflict, but different views makes a difference in the world... I think I would love to avoid my allergies. :) I hate how I feel when the act up.

    +1 answering question
    +1 Tweet
    +1 Mentioned Giveaway on my sidebar
    +1 for being a follower. :)

    Total +4 Thank you!

  17. we like some of the same authors!''
    avoid death and sickness and a ex bf of mine from 25 yrs ago, who seems to be everywhere i ama nd is a gripey and nasty mouth $(^%&*)^

    im already a folower

  18. Count me in the giveaway.

    I want to avoid confrontation and conflict. I like things to be peaceful and simple.

  19. the necklace is gorgeous! and i lurve the sound of this series - i can't wait to get my sweaty little hands on a copy!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

    +1 comment
    +1 follower

  20. I'd like to avoid stress, and also things that keep me from reading books:)

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. I'm following your blog via GFC

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. I would like to avoid sickness.

    I'm a follower.

    musmekipi at gmail dot com

  23. Thank you for the interesting interview! Your covers are really beautiful Erin! :-)

    +1 commented
    +1 tweeted:
    +1 posted on FB:
    +1 posted link on blog contest sidebar:
    +1 Follower

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. ps. sorry, forgot to answer the question in my previous post: right now it is an ex-colleague I would like to avoid: she is on a mission to make me join Amway and won't take no for an answer!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. New thing to avoid: treats in the pantry. :)

  27. Great interview. Erin's books sounds good. I like to avoid bees, snakes, and confrontations.


  28. I would like to avoid ever losing a loved one.

    macd9900 at gmail dot com

  29. I would like to avoid bills and health problems.

    I'm a follower.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  30. I would like to avoid really crowded places.

    +1 GFC Follower
    +1 Tweet:
    +1 FB:!/profile.php?id=661586209&v=wall&story_fbid=143169295698241&ref=mf


  31. I would like to avoid loser guys. Please.


    ntelhiard [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. I would like to avoid going into debt.

    tweeted -


  33. I'd just like to avoid work. Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to sit at home and read all day? Thanks for the interview. The book looks very intriguing.


  34. What a great interview. Thanks for sharing.

    What would I like to avoid? The Bar exam. It's 2 weeks away, though, and I haven't figured out a way out of it if I'm going to practice...

    ebdye1 (at) gmail

  35. I would like to avoid living my life from a desire to avoid things. May I always, instead, focus on going towards that which I desire.


    You can contact me on Twitter (@LaylaMessner).

    Fun interview, thanks.

  36. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing!!

    I would like to avoid bugs, esp spiders. And sometimes my cat just doesnt seem to do his job to keep them away.

    Im a follower

    Tweeted -

    bacchus76 at myself dot com
