
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Interview with Dakota Cassidy and Giveaway

The Qwillery is thrilled to have Dakota Cassidy as our guest today. My Way to Hell, the second book in the Hell series, was released on July 6, 2010.

TQ: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Dakota: Everything about my writing is a quirk--no wait, that's a joke. LOLLOL I'm not sure if it's a quirk, but I worry if I don't have smokes, I'll never make it through page one.

TQ:  Who are some of your favorite writers? and who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Dakota: Nina Bangs, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Susan Elizabeth Philipps, Karen Rose. I'm all over the place as far as genre goes, but to me, these people are masters at what they do. So they've all influenced me in one way or another.

TQ: Are you a plotter or a panster?

Dakota: Damn. A Pantser. Which always gets me in trouble. Always. I get midway in a book and have no idea how to move the plot forward because I only had a vague concept and a title. That's how all books begin for me--title and crazy concept :)

TQ: How many books are planned for the Hell series?

Dakota: Not sure at this point where the Hell series is going or if it will go anywhere. I loved writing it, but I have two other series as well, keeping up has gotten hard. LOL

TQ: Who would you pick to play Marcella and Kellen in a movie or TV series?

Dakota:  You know, I don't know and that's only because I don't have a fully formed picture of them in my head at any time. What I do see very clearly is their emotions--they're each like this big ball of happy, sad, snarky, cranky or whatever. So the image I create is left open for interpretation by readers. However, I did meet someone the other night who looks exactly like I'd picture Marty from the Accidentals. I swear, she just clicked for me. I think I'd probably have to see a movie star in person for it to click. Much in the way that I can't describe what I'd like on a cover of a book, but when I see what I don't want, it clicks, ya know? That was confusing as shit, wasn't it? :)

TQ:  Do you and Marcella have anything in common?

Dakota: Yeah--I love Pier One as much as she does, and I have an incredibly fresh mouth. LOL

TQ: What's next?

Dakota: Just finished book five in the accidentals titled, Accidentally Catty.Next for release is my first in my contemporary series titled, You Dropped A Blonde On Me in Dec. 2010, and as far as writing goes, the third in this series is on my plate next!

TQ: Thank you!!

Kiss &Hell (Hell Series 1)

Delaney Markham doesn't just see dead people, she hears them too. And FYI-communicating with tortured souls all day can really wreak havoc on your love life. Sans boyfriend, Delaney makes the best of her gift by holding séances to make ends meet-that is until one incredibly annoying ghost just won't go away.

Besides being sinfully hot-in a college professor sort of way-all signs point to Clyde Atwell being much more than the ordinary spirit. In fact, he's a newbie demon whose first assignment is to take Delaney back down to hell with him. Yeah, like that's going to happen on the first date.

Dakota can be found at her website, on Twitter, on Facebook, and at her Yahoo Group.

The Goodies

One commenter will win a copy of My Way to Hell and a small Devil Duckie.

After defying Lucifer to save her best friend Delaney, ex-demon Marcella Acosta has been banished to exist in the plane between heaven and hell-and there isn't a shopping mall in sight. After numerous failed attempts to contact Delaney through a bunch of hack mediums, Marcella's at her wit's end. But there's one medium she's hasn't tried yet, and he just happens to be Delaney's scorching hot brother Kellen- the one guy who never gave Marcella the time of day.


To have a chance to win My Way to Hell and the Devil Duckie leave a comment telling The Qwillery what you would miss the most if you were banished to the plane between heaven and hell.

If you tweet the contest, we’ll give you another entry for the tweet as well. You can tweet as much as you like, but it only counts once. If you also mention the contest on Facebook, we’ll give you another entry. You can mention it on Facebook a zillion times, but you only get one extra entry. You can also mention the contest on your blog (it must be your blog) to get another entry. If you are a follower of The Qwillery you get another entry. You can get a maximum of 5 entries (comment, tweet, FB mention, blog mention, Follower). Provide us a link in the comments so we know that you tweeted or Facebooked or blogged. Please leave The Qwillery a way to contact you.

The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Wednesday, July 21, 2010.


  1. Goooooood Morning Dakota! Although I know you're not *quite* awake yet. LOL What a great interview, both of you. I just love, love, love the characters you create. I wish you tons of success and many, many more books. :)

    Congrats on the newest release!

    P. S. Qwill, no need to enter me in the contest - I have a devil duckie I adopted from a high school (LOL, long story) and also a copy of MYTH. Just wanted to show my support!

  2. Congrats on the new release!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!! I'd so love to win this!

    I am an old follower.
    I Tweeted-
    Sidebar link- http;// (under 'Contests' in the right sidebar)

    *fingers crossed*

  3. Congrats on the new release. The thing I'd miss the most is chocolate.

    old follower
    sgiden AT

  4. What I would miss most? hmm...chocolate! :)

    I am a follower! I so want this book! ;)

  5. Jinx! Sandi and I posted at the same time with the same answer! LOL


  6. Hello Dakota! I so agree! Must have them smokes handy at all times!

    The thing I would miss the most are my books of course!!! I constantly have one in my hand and would be lost without one! Of course I would miss Dakota's the most! ( I know how you like your reader's to kiss up!XX)

    Amy J

  7. Froggy--your plane doesn't have chocolate? What kind of crap is that? LOL

    Thanks, all, for stopping by!

  8. Great interview. Congrats on your new release. I would miss my Bengal cats. They are my babies.


  9. Banished?? I'm guessing I'd miss my family most, but of THINGS and not people, I'd have to say internet... I have an addiction, I can't deny it.

    I've followed the blog for awhile


    Umm, I rt'd Dakota, not sure how to post that here :/

    Umm, I think you know how to find me, but then again I could be wrong :D

  10. what I'd miss most, besides coffee, is getting to read the hilarious musings of authors like Dakota Cassidy and Michele Bardsley. Go girls!

    Yes, DC I've already bought the book but if I win I can always give it to a friend as a birthday gift.

  11. I'm a new follower. Just finsihed Accidental Werewolf, gonna start Accidently Dead tonight. :D

    Congrats on the book release. LOL

    I'd miss lots of things. My PSP, wireless internet, Call of Duty Online, TV, My soaps. My books. My Laptop.

    The thing I'd miss the MOST though would be my family. Even though they're mean, they're family and I do depend on them ALOT. Who else would pay for all of the above? LOL.

  12. +1 What I would miss the most would be my kids but if I was going to pick something other than them I would have to say Ice Cream. I love ice cream and having to go the rest of my life without it would seem bleak.

    +1 I tweeted about this giveaway on Twitter (@skyla11377).

    +1 I posted this giveaway on my Facebook page.

    +1 I posted a blog about this giveaway (skyla11377).

    +1 I am following The Qwillery (skyla11377).


  13. I would miss my family for one but also I would miss margaritas and books and Hump Day. LOL


  14. If Marcella is having a time communicating with others, I would be in deep s - trouble! I would miss my e-mails from family and friends. I am an Internet junkie and don't do too well without it.

  15. I really love that pic of you, but the youtube of your award acceptance is truely priceless!

    If I was banished to that realm, I would miss written communication in the form of blogs, books and email.

    I am an old follower (and I hope I win!)


  16. I just started my way to hell (page 4). So far so good!! :)

    What would I miss most? It is a toss up between a good paranormal book and diet pepsi!!

    Love ya, Dakota!


  17. Sadly I would miss my ex husbands BS! NO WAIT...scratch that...
    Ummm what would I miss? Well with the given great foods and people and adult beverages and books that would be missed by everyone... Id say reality TV...I mean really , The Bach, Dancing with the Star, IDOL, Big Brother...we all need someone's drama to feed off of. That way we know we're not THAT crazy, right? Oh and I know you guys would miss me...if you were banished it goes with out saying(as you can see from the above posts)Jen B

  18. Being banished would have sucked, royally. I mean seriously, how can I ogle really hot guys asses? Right? I'm going to miss a lot of things like my best friend's corny jokes, guys cute little butts, my moms naked dancing, my dads tattoos on his moobies.... I guess that's it. I'll especially miss ALL the upcoming books... :)) I'm just a new follower. :)
    Keep on ROCKIN!,
    Louisse Ang

  19. Hi Dakota! *waves*
    I'm not sure what I'd miss considering I don't know the rules of the plane between heaven and hell. puppy, if they don't allow them. Chocolate was definitely a good one to mention. Horror movies. Coke a cola. I could go on for days...

  20. There had better be books there, because that would be what I would miss. Well that and the internet.

    I am a blog follower.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  21. I believe I would miss my computer (with internet) the most. I was gonna say books, but I could read them on the computer, and do so much more.
    I haven't had a chance to read the first Hell book, but I'm going to have to fix that right away because if Dakota is as funny in her books as she is for real, I'll be laughing a lot.

    I'm a follower.

  22. Good afternoon my literay Goddess,

    Got the book in my little red hot hands and will be up all night reading. Maybe I should introduce your devil duckie to my klingon duckie. They have both been to other worlds. I love all your books and can;t wait for the next two. I'm a freelance journalist and photographer. I read your books to forget about what I cover like arson, murder, politics, etc.
    You will always have readers

  23. I think I currently live on that plane ;)

    If I were to go to a different plane, I would miss my bed and pillows. As well as my books, my Mac and my pink fuzzy slippers!


    I am a follower.

    3 Entries

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  24. Love the interview.
    I would miss reading, chocolate and my family.

  25. LOL--you guys have some awesome answers--my computer and my pink fuzzy slippers. LMAO

    You rock!

  26. Man, I can't pick just one thing...I'd miss just about everything. Even my annoying mother (just case she ever reads this :) )

    Have the book, just waiting for a chance to sit down and read it, in peace and quiet. Like that will ever happen. LOL

    old follower

  27. My books and the internet!!

    Awesome contest, I'd love to be entered to win.

    I follow on gfc

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  28. Hey, DC! Posted this exact same query on FB so this may seem repetitive.....
    What is this "fifth" in the series bit? Never saw the fourth. Major ax to grind with my Borders!
    Now, being a cat person, can hardly wait for Accidentally Catty to come out. I'm sure my feline guys will love hearing it aloud. J/K!

  29. What I would miss if I was Banished is Ice Tea I drink it day and night.And books always reading them.
    I'm a follower of this blog
    I Blog about this on my myspace blog and here is the link


  30. You guys were awesome today--thank you for commenting! Your answers made me smile.

    Big hugs all 'round,
    DC :)

  31. My lovely Family absolutely !!

    I'm so crossing my fingers to win this !!

    i tweeted :

    posted on fb :

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  32. I would miss books the most....then music.......

  33. I think, that I would miss reading the most.
    I'm a follower.
    I tweeted.

  34. Dakota rocks! Just have to say that first. I think what I would miss the most, despite their constant arguing, would be my family. Ask me in a few years when I have two teenage girls in my house and I think I will be begging to be banished!

  35. Congrats on another release Dakota! Hm, banished between heaven and hell actually sounds kind of peaceful, but there's probably no cell reception, so I'd miss talking to loved ones. And seeing them, of course. Best wishes!
    cate.masters AT

  36. Hi Dakota!!!! I love your books like a fat kid loves cake! Congrats on your new release and I wish you best!

    GFC follower
    Giveaway posted on blog sidebar:

    lilazncutie1215 @

  37. I won't even lie, I would absolutely miss the internet the most. You can do almost anything on the internet: read, listen to music, watch movies/TV shows, correspond with people, etc. Without the internet I am not sure I know how to function.

    I am a follower

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  38. Yay DC! Happy belated book birthday. :) (And yay, Accidentally Catty is finished! I'm really looking forward to that one. *g*)

    So, what would I miss the most? Aside from the sappy-yet-true things (my daughter, my husband, my family), I think I'd miss ice cream.

    My zombie devil ducky totally needs a devil ducky friend... ;)

  39. Hmm it's hard to say. Probably either food or handbags, it's a tough choice (I'd actually probably miss my boyfriend most, but that just sounds sappy).

    Wait, you do get to be clothed, right? Otherwise I'd definitely miss that!

    The books sound awesome, will have to put both on my "wanted" list! :) Thanks for the giveaway!


    And I'm a follower as well.

    Email: kiwibooklover at gmail dot com

    PS: The devil duckie is sheer AWESOMENESS. I want!!

  40. Hey Dakota,

    I would miss my kids. Boring answer, but none the less true.

    Mentioned in interview roundup

  41. what you would miss the most if you were banished to the plane between heaven and hell.

    hi dakota! i'm still chuckling from your video and can't wait to read your new book!

    of course, i would miss my family, fiance, friends.....sappy, i know....but i would also miss the internet, books, and hot sauce!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

    i am a follower

  42. sweet southern tea
    and reese

  43. Congrats on your new release Dakota! I'm looking forward to reading your books, they look like a lot fun to read.

    Oh, I would miss Blue Bell Chocolate Chip ice cream in the most terrible way. I've been eating it since I was kid, and will never tire of the stuff. ;)

    I tweeted this giveaway
    Shared on Facebook
    I'm a follower.

  44. Oh, forgot to leave my email:
    donna[.]locklin [at] gmail[.]com

  45. Hey!
    I would miss my family and books the most!
    I am a follower.

  46. I would miss being close to my family.

    Tweet -

    blog follower


  47. Oh, god! I would miss my books!!! My beautiful bookshelves!! It'll be pure torture!

    Re-posted your contest at:



    I am an old follower of TQ, my GFC name is Cherry.

    Congrats Dakota on your new release!!

    Cherry Mischievous
    mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

  48. Count me in thanks! Looks great! I would miss my family the most:)


  49. Thank you for the fantastic giveaway! I LOVE how cute all of Dakota's covers look, they are so attractive :-)

    +1 If I were banished I would mostly miss my family: my dad and mom,a nd my two little sisters, and my best friend, at least she could be banished with me so we would ahve a great time :-D
    +1 tweeted:
    +1 posted on facebook:
    +1 I'm a follower
    +1 posted on my sidebar:

    Thank you!

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  50. Congrats on the new release!

    I would miss my family, my books, my laptop...well probably everything. :)

    I follow your blog.

    I tweeted :


  51. Congratulations on new release!I've read the 1st book and it's awesome!really need to win next!what will i miss most? spageti!does that count?

    i'm a follower

    i twitted;

    posted on my FB;

    link on my blog sidebar under contest/giveaway;


    darlyn225 at gmail dot com

  52. I'd miss my laptop and my books.


  53. Hi Dakota!!! I would definitely miss chocolate and chocolate martinis that would be so hard. :)

    old follower

    tweeted -


  54. I would miss my family and probably pizza. :)

    I'm an old follower

