
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dark and Stormy Knights - Giveaway

In yesterday's New Release Tuesday Vlog, I went on ad nauseum about Dark and Stormy Knights, a collection edited by P.N. Elrod. I've decided to give away a copy.

The authors included are

Ilona Andrews - A Questionable Client

Jim Butcher - Even Hand

Shannon K. Butcher - The Beacon

Rachel Caine - Even a Rabbit Will Bite

P.N. Elrod - Dark Lady

Deidre Knight - Beknighted

Vicki Pettersson - Shifting Star

Lilith Saintcrow - Rookwood & Mrs. King

Carrie Vaughn - God's Creatures

I like anthologies or collections. It gives me a chance to try out some new to me authors and visit the worlds of some of the authors I already enjoy reading.

To have a chance to win tell The Qwillery what you like or don't like about anthologies/collections.

If you tweet the contest, we’ll give you another entry for the tweet as well. You can tweet as much as you like, but it only counts once. If you also mention the contest on Facebook, we’ll give you another entry. You can mention it on Facebook a zillion times, but you only get one extra entry. You can also mention the contest on your blog (it must be your blog) to get another entry. If you are a follower of The Qwillery you get another entry. You can get a maximum of 5 entries (comment, tweet, FB mention, blog mention, Follower). Provide us a link in the comments so we know that you tweeted or Facebooked or blogged. Please leave The Qwillery a way to contact you.

The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Wednesday, July 28, 2010.


  1. I love anthologies. I find new authors that way.Also authors write continuing short stories for the series characters.




  2. I like anthologies. You get to read stories from favorite authors and get introduced to new authors. Also, the novellas are a short read that you can get your romance fix with if you don't have a lot of time in your schedule to read.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is awesome!Anthologies is great pick when i want to read something short at little time. I pick anthologies whenever i'm traveling.

    I'm a follower.

    twitted here:

    post on FB:

    darlyn225 AT gmail DOT com


  5. I love anthologies because they have a mixture of authors that means variety in stories. This also means that each story is a faster read than regular books and gives a break from long reads.

    Giveaway on blog sidebar:

    lilazncutie1215 @

  6. I enjoy anthologies, especially if I don't have a lot of time to sit and read. The stories are short enough that I can finish one and put the book down, but feel satisfied that I got my reading fix in. I also love finding new authors, and most anthologies will introduce me to at least one or two new ones.

    I'm a GFC follower.

  7. I love anthologies.I love to get a taste of new authors that way! dark and Stormy Nights has a great collection of authors in it Wowzer! I shared the info on Facebook.

  8. Anthologies are great, it's perfect for days when I can't sit and read for hours on end. I can read a whole story and get some satisfaction in a much shorter time. Also, I love reading new authors and reading different styles of writing.
    I'm a follower and I tweeted:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I like anthologies to tied me over till the new book by my fav author comes out and I use them to try new authors. That said sometimes authors expect you to know the world set-up in their other books and that makes it hard to follow their story.


  10. I do not read a ton of them, but I do love that I can sample various authors in them. The downfall is a story wending too quickly.


    I am a follower.

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  11. I Love Anthologies! I want!!! :D

    I follow this blog!

    I tweeted:


  12. I love them because some time you do not have time for a big story.
    I so want this book has some of my faves in it.
    I'm a Follower
    I blog about this on my myspace blog.

  13. I love anthologies. I cant tell you how many new authors I have found this way. And its so great to try them out with short stories so that if you do find one you dont like you havent committed to a few hundred pages.

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    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  14. I've always enjoyed anthologies. I have a few of the Mammoth books that I have really enjoyed. I like discovering new to me authors too in these books. These are all great authors and I'd love to read this one.

    I am a blog follower.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  15. I love anthologies because sometimes they focus on side characters who aren't shown as much.

    I'ma follower

  16. I find that anthologies are pretty much the same as any other book. Some are very good, others only good and some are poor.

    I agree that they are a way of finding new authors and trying out there writings but one does find that sometimes an author may be a good read as a novelist but not so good on short stories or vice versa.

    And anthologies are always short stories or novellas.

    So call me a fence sitter but some I like and some I don't !

    Generally they are all themed and that is usually what gets me to read them to see how different authors tackle the same type of story.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    I am a Follower.

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  17. I also enjoy anthologies as a way to get a preview of a new author. I tend to not like short stories because of they're brevity, but if they tie in with a series I already enjoy, then it enriches the series for me.

    Sara M
    sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  18. I like anthologies. They are a good way to try out new authors without having to buy a whole novel that might turn out to be a disappointment. Still, I try to read anthologies that have at least one familiar author in them, so that I can be sure that I will enjoy at least one of the stories.

    I'm a follower.

    musmekipi at gmail dot com

  19. I LOVE anthologies! It's how I discovered some of my favorite authors including Charlaine Harris and MaryJanice Davidson.


  20. I love anthologies because it makes me remember my school days when we used to stidy so many anthologies. Also, it's amazing the amount of stories there are with a similar theme in one anthology.

    I'm a gfc follower.


  21. Anthologies lets me sample the "voice" of an author who I haven't read yet. Then I can decide whether to buy more of him/her or to avoid him/her in the future.

    Sometimes the stories in an anthology is part of a series and if I haven't read the series yet, then sometimes it messes up the series for me! :(

    Re-posted your contest at:



    Old follower. My GFC name is Cherry.

    Cherry Mischievous
    mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

  22. I've come to love anthologies -- usually the pieces are just long enough to be read on my commute, and I feel v satisfied having finished something each day! :)

    I'd love to be entered in the drawing -- I'm a follower of this blog! :)

    thesibylqueen at

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I like anthologies if they have authors that I like in them. Sometimes I am able to find new authors in anthologies

    jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com

  25. For most part, I really enjoy anthologies. Its a great opportunity to find new authors and its nice to fit so many stories in. However, trudging through a bad short story when one of your favorite authors is the very next one is excruciating.

    jscanlon57 at gmail dot come

  26. I personally love Anthologies! :) I love getting the chance to read new authors and the snippets of stories from their worlds. Which is the one thing that at times isn't good. If they are using a series they have already to base their stories on it is harder to get into them. But for the most part I love these short stories. :)

    +1 Commenting
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    4 total. :)

    Thank you

  27. Oh, this is so on my wishlist!


    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

  28. I like anthologies because they give you a chance to try out many different works in one.


  29. Anthologies are great to read before bedtime since the stories are short and I don't stay up to read "just one more chapter!" LOL


  30. I have a love/hate relationship with anthologies. I almost always buy them for one author that's included -- to keep up with the whole continuum of a world, I feel *obligated* to read the shorts. And the love part is that sometimes I discover great new writers I would have otherwise missed -- or great short stories by writers I didn't realize were included. The hate is that sometimes I don't -- and I'd just as soon have spent between $2 and $4 on an e-reader version.

    Over on FB:

    On Twitter: (It'll stay on top for awhile because I'm not tweeting a whole lot these days)

    And I'm a Follower! I'll let you know later on if I do a blog link, but I've got no time to write an entry at the moment.

    I am *so* excited about this anthology, Qwill. I'm psyched to have the potential for a free copy. :)

  31. I enjoy anthologies, it's a good way to discover new authors! I'm also a follower!

  32. Anthologies are fantastic ways to sample various artists you may not have read yet.

    It's a great introduction to writers and I've gone on to buy so many books from authors I first read in an anthology!

  33. Yahoo. This is awesome. I like these because you gives you a taste of different writings.
    I follow....dor
    FB share:!/profile.php?id=100000384250939

    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  34. Not only are anthologies good for trying out stories by authors that are unfamiliar, but also I find that they feature bridge stories that could have been missed.

  35. I like anthologies because it is a way for me to try out new authors.


    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  36. I do like that you (nearly) always find good stories in an anthology, and often find great new authors as well :)

    More of a negative... I like really getting into a story and stories in anthologies are generally a bit too short for that!

    I wouldn't read anthologies all the time but they're great to discover new authors or for reading during the commute to work. :)


    And I'm a blog follower :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I love anthologies! I love that there are short stories and you can find new authors to read:)
    I tweeted
    I am a follower
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I love anthologies. It give you a chance to test drive an author. There are several authors I now follow because I read one of their stories in an anthology. You also get to read about some of their characters who don't have a book of their own yet

  39. I like that I can try out so many authors with just a book, and so many different short stories, that I could read while waiting or something. But if the author is mad awesome, I would want more and I can't really get more. :(

    +1 follower
    +1 blog sidebar:

  40. I love anthologies, it's such a great way to find new authors that you like without all the commitment upfront.

    cwilliams127 at gmail dot com

  41. Most anthologies that I get, it's because at least one of the authors put a short story in it that goes with a series I am reading. But I almost always wind up reading the other stories too. That introduces me to authors and/or series that I may not have read before. I like expanding my reading choices(even if my budget doesn't like it).

    I'm a GFC follower

  42. I love anthologies. They give me a little taste of each story from various authors and are GREAT companions on vacations! :)

    I am a follower and therefore, there are 2 entires in total. You can reach me at

  43. +1 I like that through anthologies I get to discover new authors I ahven't read/heard before. What I don't like about anthologies is that the stories are way TOO short! I want more and longer!

    +1 Tweeted:

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    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  44. I love anthologies because they have a mixture of authors that means story variety and because the stories are shorter when Im short on time I can still get my read on lol

    wanda l flanagan
