
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Interview With Rob Thurman & Giveaway

The Qwillery is delighted to have author Rob Thurman as our guest today. The Grimrose Path, the 2nd Trickster novel, was released yesterday.

TQ: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Rob: I hate to rewrite a scene. I would sooner write five more scenes to make that one scene work than rewrite it. It's bizarre.

TQ: Who are some of your favorite writers? and who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Rob: Kenneth Robeson, Rex Stout, Stephen King, Robert McCammon, Michael Moorcock, Robert Crais, Steven Brust, Roger Zelazny, Elizabeth Peters, Marjorie Liu. I think everyone I've ever read has influenced my writing--some in good ways and some in less than, but whatever you take in, for better or worse, affects you. Brust, Zelazny, and, oh, Fritz Lieber are definitely my fantasy favorites, even if two of them are old-school.

TQ: Are you a plotter or a panster?

Rob: I've said this before and it's still true. I'm so much a pantser that I don't even have pants. I'm a cheek of my ass writer. The only thing I know going in is the ending, and that I always know.

TQ: How many books are planned for the Trickster series?

Rob: I haven't decided yet.

TQ: Who would you pick to play Trixa Iktomi in a movie or TV series?

Rob: Nicole Lyn.

TQ: What's next?

Rob: Cal 6: Blackout (3/11), Chimera 2 (6/11), Cal 7...and then whatever I come up with in between. I have one idea but it's too young for adult and not in a necessarily popular gender/age group in YA. So I'm rather stuck there.

TQ: Thank you!

Three signed copies of The Grimrose Path will be given away. Details below.

And for all you Cal Leandros fans: the first chapter of Blackout (Cal Leandros 6) is an extra in the back of The Grimrose Path!

**Spoiler Alert**Spoiler Alert** It's strongly suggested that you read Trick of the Light before you read The Grimrose Path to avoid spoilage! **Spoiler Alert**Spoiler Alert**

About Rob's Books:


Book 1

When Trixa learns of a powerful artifact known as the Light of Life, she knows she's hit the jackpot. Both sides-angel and demon-would give anything for it. But first she has to find it. And as Heaven and Hell ready for an apocalyptic throwdown, Trixa must decide where her true loyalty lies, and what she's ready to fight for. Because in her world, if you line up on the wrong side, you pay with more than your life...

Book 2:

Bar owner Triva Iktomi knows that inhuman creatures of light and darkness roam Las Vegas-especially since she's a bit more than human herself. She's just been approached with an unusual proposition. Something has slaughtered almost one thousand demons in six months. And the killing isn't going to stop unless Trixa and her friends step into the fight...


Book 1
New from the national bestselling author of Roadkill

A sci-fi thriller that asks the questions...

What makes us human...
What makes us unique...
And what makes us kill?

Ten years ago, Stefan Korsak's younger brother was kidnapped. Not a day has passed that Stefan hasn't thought about him. As a rising figure in the Russian mafia, he has finally found him. But when he rescues Lukas, he must confront a terrible truth-his brother is no longer his brother. He is a trained, genetically-altered killer. Now, those who created him will do anything to reclaim him. And the closer Stefan grows to his brother, the more he realizes that saving Lukas may be easier than surviving him...

Cal Leandros:

Book 1

In New York, there's a troll under the Brooklyn Bridge, a boggle in Central Park, and a beautiful vampire in a penthouse on the Upper East Side. Of course, most humans are oblivious to this, but Cal Leandros is only half-human. His father's dark lineage is the stuff of nightmares-and he and his entire otherworldly race are after Cal.

He and his half-brother Niko have managed to stay a step ahead for three years, but now Cal's dad has found them again. And Cal is about to learn why they want him, why they've always wanted him...for he is

Book 2

After saving the world from his fiendish father's side of the family, Cal Leandros and his stalwart half-brother Niko have settled down with new digs and a new gig-bodyguard and detective work. And in New York City, where preternatural beings stalk the streets just like normal folk, business is good. Their latest case has them going undercover for the Kin-the werewolf Mafia. A low-level Kin boss thinks a rival is setting him up for a fall, and wants proof. The place to start is the back room of Moonshine-a gambling club for non-humans. Cal thinks it's a simple in-and-out job. But Cal is very, very wrong.

Book 3

Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother, Niko, aren't exactly prospering with their preternatural detective agency. Who could have guessed that business could dry up in New York City, where vampires, trolls, and other creepy crawlies are all over the place?

But now there-s a new arrival in the Big Apple. A malevolent evil with ancient powers is picking off humans like sheep, dead-set on making history with an orgy of blood and murder. And for Cal and Niko, this is one paycheck they-re going to have to earn.

Book 4

Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko are hired by the vampire Seamus to find out who has been following him—until Seamus turns up dead (or un-undead). Worse still is the return of Cal's nightmarish family, the Auphe. The last time Cal and Niko faced them, they were almost wiped out. Now, the Auphe want revenge. But first, they'll destroy everything Cal holds dear...

Book 5
New from the national bestselling author of Deathwish

It's time to lock, load, and hit the road...

Once, while half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko were working on a case, an ancient gypsy queen gave them a good old-fashioned backstabbing. Now, just as their P.I. business hits a slow patch, the old crone shows up with a job.

She wants them to find a stolen coffin that contains a blight that makes the Black Death seem like a fond memory. But the thief has already left town, so the Leandros brothers are going on the road. And if they're very, very lucky, there might even be a return trip...

The cover for Book 6

About Rob:

Rob Thurman is a New York Times Bestselling author of currently three series by Penguin Putnam’s imprint Roc: The Cal Leandros Novels, The Trickster Novels, and the Chimera Novels. Her first book, Nightlife, was released in 2006. She has written eight books to date and has two more due out in 2011. She has also written for a Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner anthology, Wolfsbane and Mistletoe. She writes Urban Fantasy, science-fiction thrillers, and suspense-thrillers. Although she does not write Young Adult, her first book in the dark urban fantasy series, The Cal Leandros Novels, Nightlife, has been nominated for the Eliot Rosewater Award for 2011 for excellence in high school libraries—rather to her bemusement as she’d be the first to say her books are not for younger teens. However, apparently the librarians and teens disagree.

Her favorite review called her the lovechild of H.P. Lovecraft and Lenny Bruce. The fact that she read H.P. Lovecraft at the age of eight and is well-educated enough in pop-culture to know who Lenny Bruce was made this a review unmatched to this day. Her work is dark, non-stop action from beginning to end, and rife with purely evil sarcasm as sharp as a switchblade…and probably nearly as illegal as well. If one shoved Lord of the Rings, The Shining, and Pulp Fiction into a wood-chipper, the result would be what Rob aims for in her UF novels.

Rob curses in her novels. Frequently, if required. She feels if a monster rips off your arm and attempts to beat you to death with it, you will curse. You may be Amish, Mormon, or any saint returned to earth, but you will curse.

Rob is a member of the SFWA and nothing else as she barely has time to write her two to three books a year and continue to function as a human being. She lives in Indiana, land of endless fields, infinite cows, and rural pockets where dial-up is still the only soul-crushing option.

Rob's Website:
Rob on Twitter:

The Giveaway:

What: Three signed copies of The Grimrose Path (one per winner).

How:  Leave a comment!

You can receive additional entries by:

1) Being a Follower of The Qwillery.

2) Mentioning the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter. Even if you mention the giveaway on both, you will get only one additional entry. You get only one additional entry even if you mention the giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter multiple times.

3) Mentioning the giveaway on your on blog or website. It must be your own blog or website; not a website that belongs to someone else or a site where giveaways, contests, etc. are posted.

There are a total of 4 entries you may receive: Comment (1 entry), Follower (+1 entry), Facebook and/or Twitter (+ 1 entry), and personal blog/website mention (+1 entry). This is subject to change again in the future for future giveaways.

Please leave links for Facebook, Twitter, or blog/website mentions. In addition please leave a way to contact you.

When: The contest is open to all humans on the planet earth with a mailing address. Contest ends at 11:59pm US Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 15, 2010.


  1. I always enjoy learning more about an author. I've not read any of these books yet, but I will definitely be looking for them. I enjoy all kinds of genres and all three of these series sound very intriguing.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  2. I am a follow on GFC.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  3. I tweeted this giveaway.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  4. I always love to hear that I am not the only one who doesn't plot a story. It is just reassuring to me that successful authors can do it so I can't be too off base :)

    Good luck with your writing and keep those books coming.

  5. Hello Hello Hello,
    Good Morning too! I have had 2 cups of coffee and I'm ready to go! GREAT INTERVIEW! I loved getting to know more about Rob! I have her on my TBR authors list but have not made the jump! I want to make the jump so badly...I WILL make the jump...I will go out and buy books by! Yes I said today and its all your fault Qwill >:-) I have Facebook the contest!/binnysjen
    And I am a follower (stalker whatever)
    really it was great interview and I enjoyed getting to know more about Rob and her books! Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. These sound awesome! I haven't read any of them yet but I would love to.


    +1 comment
    +1 follower through GFC

  7. I'm following the Cal Leandros series and currently waiting for my Deathwish copy to arrive in the post. Love that series! Gave it a 5 out of 5 reviews :) Haven't read the Trisckster series though... yet... the way I look at it, it's another lovely reading pleasure to look forward to :)

    I'm an old follower of Qwillery. My GFC name is Cherry.

    Re-posted your contest at:


    Cherry Mischievous
    mischivus101-warrior2 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. Great giveaway and interview. I love learning about authors :)

    I'm RTing and I'm a follower :)

  9. I would love to be entered. Thank you for the giveaway.

    Follower of The Qwillery


    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  10. I'd love to read this!

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  11. I'm a follower.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  12. I have Trick of the Light but haven't read it yet. I guess I better get right on that so I can read The Grimrose Path.

    I'm a GFC follower

  13. I just picked up Trick of the Light and am a fan of the Cal series (even though I'm only up to the second one)!
    I'm a follower

  14. I have heard some really good things about The Grimrose Path. Very good interview. Tough break about the dialup, my parents live in Indiana about as far away as possible from civilization and they can still have DSL.


  15. Thank you so much for the contest!
    I am a follower +1
    +1 Comment

    Total 3


  16. I haven't read any of Rob's book up to now but after the interview I think I must try and get hold of some of them. They sound like fub reads.

    +1 comment
    +1 Follower via GFC


    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  17. Cool!


  18. This looks very interesting please include me in the giveaway!

    Follower via GFC


    spettolij AT gmail DOT com

  19. I tweeted:

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  20. I haven't read any thing by Rob yet but this sounds like a good series.

    I'm a follower

    sgiden at

  21. I am a big fan of all Rob Thurman's books. Great interview!

    bkwarner at gmail dot com

  22. I read Nightlife and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely be continuing with that series, and now I'm very intrigued by your other books. Thanks for the giveaway!

    +1 follower

    Sara M
    sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  23. +1 Great interview! Count me in please

    +1 follower

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  24. Great interview. These books sound really good. I'm a follower.

  25. I would love the win this book.
    Thank you for the chance to win it.

    +1 comment
    +1 follower (Mysteriousrose)
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    +1 blog:


  26. I have read the first 3 in the cal leandros series, but would love to try others by thurman!

    GFC follower under name expogenic


  27. Awesome giveaway. I love the Cal series!

    +1 Follower
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    +1 Sidebar:


  28. i love Rob Thurman's work great books.

  29. Great giveaway!!!

    +1 GFC follower

  30. Thanks so much for a brilliant giveaway!!

    +1 follower
    +1 comment

    chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com

  31. I love Rob's books. Thanks for the chance.

    I am follower

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    bacchus76 at myself dot com
